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[udig-devel] Version 0.5 and JRE 5.0

Title: Messaggio
It seems that from uDig version 0.5 the "JRE release 5.0" has become mandatory (e.g. System.nanoTime() is available only from JRE Standard Edition 5.0). Up to uDig 0.4 I was able to run udig with JRE 1.4.2_05.
Is this upgrade really necessary? (maybe many people could have problem upgrading to JRE 5.0).
Saverio Rutigliano
tel. 0657222613 – fax 0657222626
Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio
Progetto Operativo Difesa Suolo
Via C.Colombo, 112 – 00147 Roma – Italy

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