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[udig-devel] Build problems after checkou

Hi everybody,
I've checked out uDig sources following the advices on
Now, I have all the projects in the Eclipse IDE, but two of them refuse
to build even after I've used the "PDE tools - update classpath" command.
In particular they are:
- udig.project.ui: imports 
org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageCache which seems unavailable...
- udig.render.feature.basic: BasicFeatureMetrics has an error at line 57, 
  stating that IMemento cannot be found and it's indirectly referenced.
It seems to me that these are bugs somewhere in the classpath resolver
or in the plugin.xml files, but I'm a bit lost... 
can someone shed some light? Do I have to find the right jars and then
import them manually? Modify the plugin.xml files? And if so, how?

Best regards
Andrea Aime

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