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Re: [udig-devel] JAI

Timothy H. Keitt wrote:

I have the jpackage JAI rpm installed. Here's the output of rpm -q -l

I get an error from udig 0.3 saying its not installed. No amount of
twiddling CLASSPATH seems to help. What gives?
JAI opperates as a Java Extention (much like Java 3D). Extentions have there own classpath known as the bootclasspath - they are supposed to opperate as a plugin system for the JRE.

What does this mean? It means that JAI needs to be installed as extention ...

The jar files you descibe should be in your jre/lib/ext folder, and the *.so or *.dll files you did not mention above should be in jre/bin...

The following links may help a little bit:

Thanks for trying UDIG out, we would love any feedback you could give us on the application. We are writing up recomendations this week and planning out what we need to do next.


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