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Re: [udig-devel] OS/X - Part II - The Return

Paul Ramsey wrote:

On 6-Oct-04, at 7:41 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:

Can you drop this udig.ico file in your distribution and see if it helps

Nope, still chunky. The Dock icon is smaller than the source, so the chunkiness could be a result of downscaling rather than upscaling. Is is possible to provide a range of sizes in the app so it can pick an appropriate one?

I supply the following: 16, 32, 46, 108, and 128. Can you screen snap the choppyness to me ..

Paul can you bring this in tomorrow - I finally chewing through my
documentation and could help him tomorrow. He told me he wants to get

Tomorrow as in Thursday? I can, but confirm that you mean Thursday and not Friday.

Tomorrow as in Thursday - Open Office just lost me half an hours work (I will never learn).

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