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Re: [tycho-user] What packaging to use for a project?

>>>>> Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> True, in IDE, only one target-platform per workspace.  With Tycho,
> target-platform is attached to each modules, so modules can have
> different targets. Even more, Tycho allows to reference multiple
> target definition (.target files) simultaneously, ending up with a
> kind of "merge" of their contents as the target-platform.

Right, however what I have in my case are two separate tycho project
hierarchies living in the same workspace, a GEF project created with
tycho-eclipse-plugin-archetype and an xtext project created with
emt-xtext-archetype (I knew GEF from earlier, but as I was getting up to
speed I stumbled over xtext and wondered if that was simpler to use).

For now I'm moving on with the GEF project, but the xtext project was
living in the same workspace and having compilation problems.

So what I've done for the time being, is to add GEF to the xtext project
target platform, and set that target platform as the target platform for
this workspace (if I decide to go on with the xtext project I will
remove GEF).

> You could also think of statically creating a merged target
> definition/.target file, that you can then use in the IDE. We (JBoss
> Tools and family) have a mojo that does that:
> . See an example of usage at

Thanks!  In the example the target projects are both children of the
above POM, is that correct...?

(If so, not applicable to my particular situation, but I can live with
my current workaround)

> We do use it to "stack" target definitions: JBoss Tools has a target
> definitions containing mostly org.eclipse stuff, JBoss Tools
> integration stack builds on top of JBoss Tools so it creates a target
> definition which consists of JBoss Tools target-platform + some
> additions + JBoss Tools itself. People can import this
> target-definition in their IDE and they everything they need.

Right!  Thanks!  A layout to consider for future plugin projects,

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