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Re: [triquetrum-dev] Scheduling a Release for Triquetrum

Hi Christopher. Sorry for the delay.

/cc mentors

1) Milestone builds are issued in a lead up to a release. The name of the release itself should not include the milestone indicator. A build labeled  "0.1.0M1" in your project downloads would be a milestone build for your "0.1.0" release.

2) We run release reviews on the first and third Wednesday of every month, so we'll have to align with that. To do a release on the 13th, we'd have to have the review conclude on October 5. We'll need the IP Log and PMC approved review materials a week ahead of that (Sept 28).

3) Qualifiers are really an OSGi-specific technical concept. So the short answer is to do whatever you feel makes the best technical sense.

I noticed that you're pushing downloads from the Hudson server. This is fine for nightly and integration builds, but you should use the mirrored and fault tolerant download server for milestone and release builds. Let me know if you need any assistance sorting that out.



On 09/09/16 02:51 PM, Christopher Brooks wrote:
Hi Stephanie,
Your timing is impeccable!  The Science Working group has a combined release scheduled, see

It might be worth widening the discussion thread to the Science Working Group list at, but let's focus on Triquetrum issues in the near term.

As part of that release, we will attempt to release a version of Triquetrum.  Our current intended release date is October 21.  We hope to do a code freeze next Tuesday.

We have a Github issue for the release at 

I have a milestone set at

Some of the issues will be removed from the release milestone, but others are required.

A couple of questions:

1) What version number should Triquetrum use?  We are in incubation, I was thinking 0.1.0 would be a good version number.  I'm not sure if the Milestone notation would apply.  Would this be 0.1.0M1?  I can look into this a bit more, but thought you might have a quick answer.  I've reviewed and the answer is not obvious to me.

2) Our code freeze is on Tuesday 9/13 in part because I'm traveling the remaining part of the week and Erwin is busy the following week. If we submit a release questionnaire on 9/13 or 9/14, is that sufficient time for the October 21 release date?  It seems like two weeks is sufficient, but I just wanted to double check.  I'm aware of, which says that the release review process takes a week and that the release reviews take place on the first and third Wednesdays.  My intention was to create a release on Tuesday 9/13 via the "Create a Release" under the committer tools.

3) We use a number of third party packages that have passed CQ.  See  Right now I have a p2 site set up that is creating jar files from the head of the third party tree that was used to create the source jars uploaded for the CQs.  For example, has the jar file diva.source_11.0.0.201608300001.jar associated with it.

My question is: What should the version number of jar file that contains the .class files be?  Should it be diva.  Or should the qualifier be the date that the jar file was created?

Please forgive me if the answers to these questions are obvious.  I figure you would be able to quickly and definitively answer these.


On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 11:22 AM, Stephanie <emo@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello Christopher and Erwin,

My name is Stephanie, I am working alongside Wayne on ongoing projects.

After reviewing your project, Triquetrum, we can see you haven't done or scheduled a release as of yet.

I was just wondering if there is anything we could do to help you through this process. Do you have a release plan or a date in mind in which you'd like to schedule a release?

Please let me know if we can be of assistance,



Stephanie Swart on behalf of the Eclipse Management Organization
Project Coordinator- Memberships and Open Source Projects
Eclipse Foundation

Wayne Beaton on behalf of the Eclipse Management Organization
The Eclipse Foundation

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