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Re: [triquetrum-dev] Triquetrum at Sandia

Hi Ernest,

First of all many thanks for the positive feedback and the interest in using Triquetrum!

Some more info, on what Christopher already replied.

Triquetrum has been designed in a way similar to Passerelle, the Ptolemy-based system we've been building and using within iSencia : the core of the system is made for headless operations and different GUIs can be integrated locally and/or remotely. E.g. we have a web-based editor and management UI in Passerelle, workflows can be started and monitored via REST services from any other application and we even have a minized Swing-based UI derived from Ptolemy's Vergil. But in the end the execution engine just needs to know where to find your workflow definition (which is typically stored in some XML format in files or in a DB).

Concretely :

1. We've chosen for an interface definition of the core workflow services, so we are free afterwards to pick different ways for remote access to the service implementations. I can easily migrate Passerelle's REST-based access implementation. Another option that is definitely of interest is to use the ECF framework which offers proxies for all kinds of remote access protocols, based on the remote services OSGi spec.

My preference would be to have an OSGi-based headless runtime, and not to fall-back to bare Java or Ptolemy. In that way we can reuse one common code base for everything that is not UI-related and can keep on benefiting from all the OSGi goodies.

2. There are indeed actors that are GUI-bound. There are several points-of-view for this, I guess, besides the info given by Christopher :

In my point-of-view such actors should not be used in workflows meant for headless/server runtimes. But that's because in our typical use case with Passerelle, large numbers of workflows are also scheduled/chained automatically and we have no guarantee that there is even a user present somewhere at that time. And we don't want actors popping up views all the time ;-) So we always store (intermediate) result data and then provide ways to look at the data at any time, also after the workflows are done. This could e.g. be done via a dedicated result visualization workflow using those display/plot actors, launched on-demand by an interested user.

A remote real-time integration between a workbench and a runtime is possible, and has been implemented by DAWN at Diamond LS, on top of Passerelle/Ptolemy. Actors are able to open plot views, warning dialogs etc in the user's workbench in DAWN. The editor also shows the live progress through the workflow based on status update events received from the remote runtime. This was implemented via JMX. To be checked with the DAWN team about recent evolutions, as my info is from some years ago.

Other options are possible, to be discussed separately if you would like to expand on this.

3. My understanding is that an actual actor instance is effectively needed during model design time, as an actor's characteristics are defined during its construction. This has many benefits compared to separate statically defined editor configurations (which require duplicate work and are a maintenance burden as well). E.g. a configuration change on a live actor can be validated by it, it may cause it to dynamically create extra ports, etc.

If it would be possible to use something like Eclipse update/install to distribute actors towards your workbenches, that would seem the easiest path forward. If we can not easily distribute extra/updated actor bundles in your environment in such a way, this would be a substantial re-engineering for the editor.
The Triquetrum EMF model might already encapsulate the impact a bit though...

4. Indeed, Luna support should be feasible if needed.

And, likewise, thanks for reading through all of this!


Op 9/12/2016 om 11:54 PM schreef Christopher Brooks:
Hi Ernest,

Some comments below.

1. Headless.  This is probably best answered by Erwin. 

2. Remote GUIs.  The short answer is basically "no, but".  Here are the "buts"

DisplayInterface and PlotterBase were part of an display output remotely called HandSimDroid.  Below is a summary of this work:

In 2011, the HandSimDroid project developed a prototype that allows Ptolemy models to run under Android.

Students from CMU:

  • Anar Huseynov
  • Justin Killian
  • Ishwinder Singh

worked with Bosch researchers:

  • Elizabeth Latronico
  • Charles Shelton

and Berkeley researchers to re-architect a portion of Ptolemy II so that models could run on a server and be displayed on a low-powered handset.

The code for this effort is in

  • $PTII/ptolemy/ptserver
  • $PTII/ptolemy/homer
  • $PTII/ptolemy/actor/gui and $PTII/ptolemy/plot were modified to support displaying on a remote machine.
We looked at SWT and at the time it did not work for us under Mac OS X.  See

One of the Triquetrum bugs is to build an interface to PtPlot, which is Swing-baseed and part of Ptolemy II.  Erwin prototyped an interface to a more Eclipse-centric plotter, see

There are a bunch of different ways to display data remotely.   These days we typically use a VNC application to log in to a remote machine and view the data that way.  Erwin probably has some input here.

3. Actor Descriptions vs Actor Instantiation.  This is a thorny issue, here are some thoughts.

Ptolemy II has ptolemy.kernel.LazyComposite. says:

A marker interface for lazy composites. A lazy composite is a CompositeEntity that does not automatically populate itself with contained entities and relations when it is instantiated. It does populate itself with attributes and ports, but the contained entities and relations are not created until they are explicitly requested.

Note that a class that implements this interface cannot have parameters whose values are expressions that refer to contained entities or relations or attributes contained by those. This is a rather esoteric use of expressions, so this limitation may not be onerous.

So, you could delay instantiation by using LazyComposite.  I'm not sure how you would edit the model composite without instantiation.

Ptolemy II includes actor-oriented classes.  See p. 71 of

Actor-oriented classes are not a solution in themselves, but they could help.  The Triquetrum RCP model editor does not yet support Actor-Oriented Classes.  There is an open issue for this:

Note that combining LazyComposites and Actor-Oriented Classes is very tricky and likely to have bugs.

The way I would do it is to create a facade actor that had the ports and parameters that would be set at model creation time.  The facade actor would then instantiate a named class at runtime and do the transfer of data.  We probably already almost do this with some of the higher-order function classes in actor/lib/hoc.

So, I think this would require some engineering time, but would be solvable.  If Edward does not reply to this message, then try posting to the ptolemy-hackers list.

4. Luna: Sure, I'm open to supporting Luna if it does not break the current support for Neon.  I did the port from Luna to Neon, see  The reason to support Neon is because it is the current release of Eclipse and it seems like a good idea.  I don't think we have any other reasons to move to Neon.


On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 1:49 PM, Friedman-Hill, Ernest <ejfried@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Congratulations on your work on Triquetrum to this point! I’m impressed and excited by the possibility represented by what you’ve all accomplished so far.

Although the corporate wheels which would allow the SAW group at Sandia to contribute to the Triquetrum project are turning slowly indeed, we are still interested in doing so, and in using Triquetrum in the Eclipse-based Sandia Analysis Workbench. To that end I’ve been studying the current implementation, learning as much as I can, and trying to map out how Triquetrum could satisfy our users’ needs, ultimately replacing the solution we have in place now. I have a few questions about the current implementation and future plans.

First and most importantly, the primary runtime model for us will be headless, remote operation of dataflows.  Long-running workflows will execute on a server machine, while the client machine is shut down or disconnected. (In addition, some processes will also be remote to the workflow — I.e., actors will submit remote jobs on other servers and collect the results — but I think remote processes like this are basically just a kind of actor that we’d implement.) What are current plans for implementing remote/detached execution of workflows? Do you see this as an alternate implementation of WorkflowExecutionService? Could/should/would the remote workflow engine be OSGi-based, or an instance of “bare” Ptolemy II?

Second, and related: some actors have a runtime GUI, and there is a Ptolemy mechanism “DisplayInterface”  for connecting an actor to the user interface. I see how it is used to connect various standard Ptolemy actors to the SWT UI. Is there any precedent for remote GUIs used for monitoring components, using some kind of an RPC implementation? 

Third, and maybe thorniest: the current implementation ties the editor to the runtime system fairly strongly. In the process of adding an Actor from the palette to a workflow, an instance of the actual Ptolemy actor is created.  Given that I’m thinking about our target distributed architecture, it seems to me that requiring all Actors to exist on the client — let alone be instantiable — is a limitation which would make deployment and maintenance more difficult for us.  We would prefer a more data driven approach in which the editor consumed a description of the Actors rather than the Actors themselves. Does this seem feasible? I have a vague idea that the editor’s interface to the actors could be via an access layer, one implementation of which could be direct access like you currently have, and another could be data-driven.

Finally, for various reasons, we’re still using an Eclipse Luna target, and although we’ll certainly transition at some point, it may not be right away. I have found that I can use the current codebase in Luna with a few small changes; just wondering if you’re open to supporting Luna, at least for a while, or if we’d have to keep a branch going.

In any case, thanks for reading this far. Any thoughts or ideas on these questions would be welcome as we start to get serious about using Triquetrum.

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