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Re: [tractusx-dev] Maintaining and dependencies
  • From: Norbert Truchsess <norbert.truchsess@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2023 15:08:47 +0100
  • Autocrypt: addr=norbert.truchsess@xxxxxxxxxxx; prefer-encrypt=mutual; keydata=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just keep in mind the use of swaggerhub (the portal, not the tools) is
free for a single occount
from my understanding that allows to use it as a individual withoud any
teaming-capabilities in a simmilar way as using github without
organizations. If one needs more (we certainly do) one needs to buy a


Norbert Truchsess

On Thu, 2023-11-16 at 10:34 +0000, Gabor.Almadi--- via tractusx-dev
> Hello All,
> I’d like to discuss the situation of the
> repo and website with you. As you might know this app is based
> onDocusaurus and many plugins and it is really hard to maintain at
> the moment. We are facing compatibility issues between different
> dependencies and therefore we are unable to upgrade them for a while
> now. This could lead to outdated components and also security issues.
> The main blocker here is the docusaurus-openpi-docs plugin which is
> maintained by a small group of people and gets updates very rarely
> and can’t keep up with the releases of Docusaurus. This plugin is
> used to display OpenAPI documentation on the website likehere. My
> suggestion would be to investigate to the move to SwaggerHub with
> these pages and then we could get rid of the blocking dependencies
> and be able to keep the app up-to-date. There is already anopen issue
> on GitHub where we talk about this issue, feel free to add your
> comments/ideas there too.
> Another topic I’d like to talk about is that currently there is no
> actual maintainer of this page. Everybody is responsible for their
> own part/section but there is no team/person looking over the whole
> repo to drive development like the one mentioned above. We should
> really address this as a community.
> Best regards,
> Gábor Almádi
> DevOps Engineer
> Deutsche Telekom Systems Solutions
> Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions
> Growth Portfolio/ IoT & M2M SCC / IoT Digital
> Tóth Kálmán utca, 2/b,  1097 Budapest, Hungary 
> +36 30 566 98 34 (Mobile)
> E-mail: gabor.almadi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> --
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