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[tractusx-dev] Tractus-X Post-Alignment Meeting 09.08.2023 - Agenda

Dear Eclipse Tractus-X Community,


thank you for the great preparation and participation in the first pre-alignment meeting in Tractus-X on the 26.07.2023!

We look forward to taking the next step with our post-alignment on the 09.08.2023 from 09:00 h to 11:30 h.




Besides an update on your feedback and open points, the post-planning-alignment meeting will focus on the following topics per product team:

  • Which features have been planned / committed for the next release?
  • Are there new insights / changes?
  • Are there new features?
  • Q&A session (in the end)






09:00 – 09:20 h

Re-Cap, Update Open Points, Update PI-Planning

Tractus-X Project Leads / Catena-X PM (Marc. G.)

09:20 – 09:40 h

Portal & Marketplaces Team

Catena-X Product Owner (Julia J.)

09:40 – 10:00 h

Tractus-X EDC Team

Catena-X Product Owner (Stefan E.)

10:00 – 10:20 h

Managed Identity Wallet Team

Catena-X Product Owner (Oliver S.)

10:20 – 10:40 h

BPN & Discovery Finder Team

Catena-X Product Owner (Thomas H.)

10:40 – 11:00 h

Country Risk (BPDM) Team

Catena-X Product Owner (Benjamin / Philip)

11:00 – 11:30 h

Q&A Session, Feedback, (Buffer)



Best your T-X Project Leads,

Björn, Sigi, Daniel



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