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[tractusx-dev] Fwd: [] Eclipse Committers April 2023 Office Hours: Updates -> May 11

Hello all,

there are interesting topics in the next EF office hours! Contributors are welcome!

When: May 11, 15:30-16:30 (CEST)

What: Status update on various efforts that we've been engaged in, including:

  • Open source project governance: progress reviews;
  • The Eclipse Dash License Tool;
  • OSS Review Toolkit (ORT) at the Eclipse Foundation; and
  • Generating SBOMs for Eclipse Projects.

Please see the invitation below.

Best regards

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: Re: [] Eclipse Committers April 2023 Office Hours: Updates
Datum: Tue, 9 May 2023 11:53:19 -0400
Von: Wayne Beaton via <>
Antwort an: Wayne Beaton <wayne.beaton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Greetings Committers.

My apologies for the extra noise.

That date should read, of course, May 11 at 1330h GMT (0930 EDT).

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 3894 5339


On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 12:46 AM Wayne Beaton <wayne.beaton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Our April 2023 office hours will be held on Thursday, April 13 at 1330h GMT (0930 EDT).

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 3894 5339

Attendance at these sessions is optional. We use the metaphor of "office hours": we set aside some time every month to make the EMO team available to answer your questions and discuss your concerns related to your responsibilities as a committer. To keep things interesting, we start each session with a short presentation on a topic that we believe will be of interest to you as a committer.

We record the presentation portion of each session and post that recording on the Eclipse Project Team's Calendar page (recording of all of our past sessions are there now). We do not record or minute the Q&A portion (though we do open issues related to the topics discussed). The calendar on the calendar page has sharing links.

We'll start this session with a status update on various efforts that we've been engaged in, including:
  • Open source project governance: progress reviews;
  • The Eclipse Dash License Tool;
  • OSS Review Toolkit (ORT) at the Eclipse Foundation; and
  • Generating SBOMs for Eclipse Projects.
I look forward to seeing you on Thursday.


Wayne Beaton

Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation

My working day may not be your working day! Please don’t feel obliged to read or reply to this e-mail outside of your normal working hours.


Wayne Beaton

Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation

My working day may not be your working day! Please don’t feel obliged to read or reply to this e-mail outside of your normal working hours.

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