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Re: [thym-dev] Discovery of Downloadable Cordova engines.

On 21 Jul 2014, at 14:04, Gorkem Ercan wrote:

I wanted a larger discussion than bugzilla for this one but you are right
bugzilla should receive this definition.

The problem with auto detecting the minor version is on the long term if Cordova project start to do independent releases it will be possible to
have a scenario as

Cordova 4.0
 iOS 3.9.1
 Android 4.1
I can not think of auto detection mechanism for this scenario

But that is what I suggest - you use the definition you refer to as the way to define the default version but then allow user to explicitly override it in config.xml.

This could of course be marked as a warning that its not a recognized/validated runtime and your usecase above where ios is 3.x based and cordova 4.0 I assume is considered
api incompatible...(assuming cordova version numbers has any meaning)



On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 5:36 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen <manderse@xxxxxxxxxx>

On 19 Jul 2014, at 21:02, Gorkem Ercan wrote:

Due to bug 439650 [1], we need to change the way we discover downlodable
Cordova engines. At the moment we make the assumption that all Cordova Engines for all platforms share the same version for a particular Cordova version. Although this is usually the case, it is not always true (as seen on the bug report). Furthermore, Cordova project is discussing to make platforms make releases more independently. Also there is an ongoing experiment to provide Cordova downloads through npm which may eventually
cause us to adjust download locations for some versions.

So my proposal is to introduce a new extension point that provides the downloadable Cordova Engine information. Basically,a collection of cordova versions, with included platform library versions and download URLs. The default implementation of the extension point will be provided by Thym and will provide the information for distros from Cordova project. And in
to be able to catch up with Cordova releases (without the need for Thym releases) the plan is to make the implementation retrieve the info from a
json file hosted in our repo.

I am also planning to make the extension point overwritable by products.
if an adopter of Thym wants to use its own engines, it would be possible.

I should be able to push an early implementation soon, in the meanwhile
concerns, questions are welcome.


not sure if you wanted the feedback here or on the bug - your description
above should be on the bug :)

anyhow no matter if you have an external description of "cordova releases"
which I reckon
will say something like:

cordova 3.4.0:
ios 3.4.0
android 3.4.0

cordova 3.4.1:
ios 3.4.1
android 3.4.0

wouldn't it be good that the tooling simply took these as advises but if
lets say an ios 3.4.2 becomes available
the tooling would still allow you to pick that up and use it no matter if
this externally defined descrption have
been updated or not ?



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