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Re: [technology-pmc] Seeking PMC approval for Sapphire 0.1 and 0.2 releases



Am 30.11.2010 23:41, schrieb Konstantin Komissarchik:
> I’d like to request PMC approval to proceed with release reviews for
> Sapphire 0.1 and 0.2 releases. Both releases are currently scheduled for
> 2011-01-10. I hope there is still time to run through the review process.
> The initial contribution has final IP approval and IP log has be
> submitted to EMO.
> I am working on release review documentation. In the meantime here is
> some information on these two releases:
> The 0.1 release represents a snapshot of a stable code base as
> contributed by Oracle and adapted for Eclipse namespace, license, about,
> build, etc. The 0.2 release contains significant functional enhancements
> over 0.1 release (as documented in the plan document). They are
> scheduled to release concurrently since work on 0.2 was proceeding while
> we were waiting for final IP approval on the initial contribution.
> Let me know if there are any questions.
> Thanks,
> - Konstantin
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Gunnar Wagenknecht

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