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[technology-pmc] BPEL Designer

Hey folks. I've got my eye on the BPEL Designer project [0]. Committer activity seems to have dropped and their latest release occurred almost a year ago. Brian Fitzpatrick has expressed some interest in getting more involved with the project [1], but his query has gone unanswered. This, despite the fact that later questions have been answered by project committers. I am concerned that this request to join the project is a possible sign that the project is not operating in an open manner.

I have sent a note to the bpel-dev list asking for them to respond to Brian. I am hopeful that they will respond in a positive manner. I'm hoping that they'll at least respond.

I'd also like to see them consider a move to SOA.

Thoughts, concerns?



Wayne Beaton, The Eclipse Foundation

I'm going to EclipseCon!

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