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Re: [technology-pmc] Re: [ecf-dev] Re: [tools-pmc] Newsreader project

Scott Lewis wrote:
Eric Rizzo wrote:
I'd really like to see Salvo included in the Helios packages (and possibly the 3.6 "Classic" SDK build). I'm wondering out loud how the decision (making it a sub-project of Technology vs. a component of ECF) will impact the ability for it to be delivered with Helios.

First, what is Salvo? Is it just another name for the newsreader or something else?

Whether it's in ECF or a separate technology project, I would say it is very unlikely to be included in the 3.6 SDK package. It would mean that the Eclipse platform team would agree to include it into the SDK, and I don't think that's likely.

Yeah, I kind of figured it would be a long shot. After thinking about it, I think the likely audience of the "classic"/SDK builds does not really align with my goal of getting the newsreader in the hands of newbies and others who are not yet engaged in the community.

BTW Eric, since most of the people on the ecf-dev mailing list are not on the technology pmc, all responses that cc the technology pmc (like this one), don't actually make it back to the list.

I know, but it is such a pain to cross-post because of the need to subscribe to multiple lists. I can't speak for Wim, but I trust your input to be adequate; at this point I feel that both ECF and Tech-PMC perspective on to my "wondering out loud" have been represented.


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