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[technology-pmc] EPF - Pls approve 3 committers (tool)


please approve commiters
Alfredo Bencomo
Phong Le

=> Please also 'un-committ" Naveena Bereny, since she has left the project.

Description of past contributions below.

Voting records
+9 votes each


Per Kroll
STSM, Manager Methods: RUP / RMC
Project Lead: Eclipse Process Framework
Rational Software, IBM Corp
(M) 408-219-2963

----- Forwarded by Per Kroll/Cupertino/IBM on 04/01/2007 05:43 PM -----
Per Kroll/Cupertino/IBM

03/23/2007 08:59 AM

Pls vote on committers (Tool)


committers, please vote yes, no or abstain on making each of the following 2 proposed people working on the tool component into committers. Voting closes in a week, but it is good customs to have as many as people respond as fast as possible, even if there is enough (+3) votes to pass. It showcases active support (or lack thereof).

Alfredo Bencomo
Phong Le

See information on contributions below.

I my self vote yes on both. They have contributed a lot over an extended time, and continues to show dedication to the project.

Alfredo Bencomo's contribution:


Phong Le's contribution

Designed and implemented:
  • Meta-model
  • Persistence
  • Editing framework
  • Process authoring
  • Diagramming
  • Team support

Complete RFEs/fixed bugs:

Thu Mar 22 2007 15:15:34

112 bugs found.
134161 2006-03-30 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M2 Merge latest source to EPF plug-in org.eclipse.epf.uma.ecore
134160 2006-03-30 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M2 Merge latest source to EPF plug-in org.eclipse.epf.uma
134149 2006-03-30 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M2 Merge latest source to EPF plug-in org.eclipse.epf.librar...
134148 2006-03-30 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M2 Merge latest source to EPF plug-in org.eclipse.epf.librar...
137343 2006-04-18 enh P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M2 CVS and CCRC support
143280 2006-05-23 cri P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Process: When a CP is created, libray.xmi is checked out.
137241 2006-04-18 enh P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Single Stream CM
137242 2006-04-18 enh P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Configurations as Method Units
140119 2006-05-04 enh P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 EPF shall support ClearCase for version control
137247 2006-04-18 enh P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Differential Process (formerly known as Process Contribut...
144815 2006-05-31 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 There is an error, when synchronisation(in CVS) is done w...
144597 2006-05-31 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 CVS: Updates in Team Synchronizing perspective are not re...
143045 2006-05-22 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Files are auto checked out when creating a CP/DP packages
146351 2006-06-09 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Configuration: Deleting a configuration raises prompt tha...
146660 2006-06-12 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Processes: Try to rename a CP in editor, there is prompt ...
143658 2006-05-25 cri P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 CCRC: Cannot create plugin after initial CC "add to source"
143037 2006-05-22 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Process: model.xmi is auto-checkout when editting a activ...
145009 2006-06-01 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Authoring: Images in copied template are broken
145406 2006-06-05 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Library.xmi is checked out when moving a content package ...
145659 2006-06-06 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Method Configuration rename action does not change associ...
142388 2006-05-17 maj P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Library files are auto-checked out when creating content ...
142562 2006-05-18 cri P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Move a CP from one plugin to the other failed
139600 2006-05-01 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Process contribution's base process dropdown menu is not ...
142666 2006-05-18 maj P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Process: Cannot delete a capability pattern
143348 2006-05-23 maj P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Can save to a checked-in file
143107 2006-05-22 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Process: Checkout a CP that is modified by another user. ...
145024 2006-06-02 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 CC: Undo check out does not refresh the dirty editor
141873 2006-05-15 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Better integration with Eclipse Resource View
142298 2006-05-17 maj P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 deleting a non-empty plugin failed with an exception
146353 2006-06-09 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Processes: Copy a CP pkg and then move that copied CP PKG...
146348 2006-06-09 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Team Support: Error moving element
134162 2006-03-30 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Merge latest source to EPF plug-in org.eclipse.epf.uma.edit
143778 2006-05-25 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 Handle UTF-8 BOM gracefully
144594 2006-05-31 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M3 CVS: Adding a library to source control is not working du...
150697 2006-07-14 cri P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 isPlanned attributes for task descriptors are not persist...
137243 2006-04-18 enh P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Deep Copy
152070 2006-07-27 maj P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Library migration: "" erro...
137245 2006-04-18 nor P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Local Replace Deep Copy
137250 2006-04-18 enh P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Activity Variability
137254 2006-04-18 enh P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Changing enforced multiplicities
152249 2006-07-29 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Cannot delete/move/rename elements under CC source control
151299 2006-07-20 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Processes: Copying more than one CP at a time, to a CP Pk...
150550 2006-07-13 nor P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Processes: There is no prompt for adding a CP to your con...
146737 2006-06-12 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Import: after import UI does not refresh correctly
150206 2006-07-10 nor P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Loading Library: locked plugins become un-locked
152489 2006-08-01 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 CC: refresh config after deleting plugins causs exceptions
151491 2006-07-21 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Process: Activities with variability disappear from WBS w...
150583 2006-07-13 nor P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Deleting a capability pattern with deep copied item gener...
151052 2006-07-19 maj P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Move a used Delivery Process to another Process cause an ...
152090 2006-07-27 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Delete a Milestone with successors, the successors's pred...
142568 2006-05-18 maj P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Process: CP reference is lost when copying a CP package ...
152267 2006-07-30 maj P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Process: browsing, ADD, and sync issues with local replac...
152529 2006-08-01 maj P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 CVS: Exception in logs after deleting plugin and config
142669 2006-05-18 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Process: Suppress state is still saved although 'No' is ...
145889 2006-06-07 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 CC : Checking out base model.xmi when trying to delete a ...
150019 2006-07-07 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Processes: Refresh issue when variability type is change...
150685 2006-07-14 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Processes Browsing: Role and WP descriptors of contributi...
151026 2006-07-18 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 when parent activity is contributing, it's Sub-activites ...
150205 2006-07-10 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Processes: Extended and suppressed activities are display...
150431 2006-07-12 maj P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Processes: DeepCopy is not working if selected NO in the ...
150549 2006-07-13 min P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Processes: After deep copy is done, there is a prompt tha...
151141 2006-07-19 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Import Plugin: Problem view shows errors for processes
152492 2006-08-01 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 CC: creating a package caussing exceptions in log and it...
152524 2006-08-01 maj P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 CC: Exceptions on Team-->Refresh Status on library.xmi a...
152101 2006-07-28 maj P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Could not delete method plugin which is referenced by con...
151016 2006-07-18 maj P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Process: Selecting "No" brings in tasks that are outside...
150572 2006-07-13 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M4 Libray migration generates bak logs and exception
155617 2006-08-29 maj P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 Import plugin: default config becomes unresolved
155869 2006-08-31 blo P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 Authoring: config is lost after restart EPF
155192 2006-08-25 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 Duplicate name of Role Descriptor when adding multiple ro...
151776 2006-07-25 nor P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 Processes: Unresolved references error dlg pops up when t...
154318 2006-08-17 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 CVS: Config import exceptions
152183 2006-07-28 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 Processes: CP is lost IF a CP Pkg or just a CP under CP P...
155194 2006-08-25 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 Duplicate names of activities in CP editor
155121 2006-08-24 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 predecessors lost (not displayed) when entered into a pro...
151804 2006-07-26 min P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 Undo Suppress problem
154841 2006-08-23 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 Publish a CP that contains team profile and associated ro...
151489 2006-07-21 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 Processes: Custom sync at activity level and uncheck all ...
152103 2006-07-28 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 Remove references to configurations in library.xmi
143834 2006-05-25 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 Need better solution for preventing .lock and .project fi...
153991 2006-08-15 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 Synchronize operations that modify the library
155161 2006-08-24 min P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 Move Up and Move Down should not be available for root el...
153678 2006-08-12 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 Tool uses icons with wrong decorations
137632 2006-04-19 maj P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 M5 JUnit testing
156763 2006-09-08 maj P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC1 Changing an activity type give me a warning about deletin...
157441 2006-09-15 nor P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC1 CVS: Reference error when perform Sync between differnet ...
156667 2006-09-08 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC1 Replacing a task will not be reflected correctly in task ...
156779 2006-09-08 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC1 Fill blank presentation name of extended activity with pr...
156949 2006-09-11 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC1 Working from more than one machine triggers wrong "file h...
157421 2006-09-15 min P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC1 CVS: Wrong icon of CP/DP node when create a new plug-in
152250 2006-07-29 min P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC1 Suppress artifact problem
156769 2006-09-08 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC1 Unassigning in a Custom Category is confused
143869 2006-05-25 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC1 Performance issue when loading a large library
156387 2006-09-06 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC1 Import of a M3 library fails in M5
158203 2006-09-21 blo P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC2 Persistency bug: processes store from href for selected S...
158914 2006-09-26 cri P2 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC2 REG: Variability Reference is not broken in the Supportin...
158269 2006-09-22 maj P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC2 Move an element with variability across plug-in may cause...
158514 2006-09-25 maj P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC2 Rename the plugin name failed(regression problems)
158707 2006-09-26 maj P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC2 CC: Without "Add to source control" when attach a file to...
158690 2006-09-25 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC2 error when XML Imput a plug-in

158249 2006-09-21 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC2 Option to automatically add file to source control does n...
158626 2006-09-25 cri P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0 RC2 Editing individual elements is affecting library.xmi file
163995 2006-11-09 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE ConcurrentModificationException during upgrading library ...
165060 2006-11-17 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.0.2 Support ClearCase dynamic view
174128 2007-02-14 nor P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.2 M1 Cannot extend a Delivery Process
172924 2007-02-05 nor P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.2 M1 Support GMF based diagramming (Phase 1)
177042 2007-03-12 blo P1 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.2 M1 Wrong resouce uri assoicated with a content element
164569 2006-11-14 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.2 M1 Move a root ContentPackage 'C1' to another root ContentPa...
169750 2007-01-06 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.2 M1 Double resource descriptor entries in library.xmi file
168518 2006-12-19 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.2 M1 Needn't check out child of CP while delete it.
172365 2007-01-31 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.2 M1 Inconsistencies within the "Work Product Usage" tab
177721 2007-03-16 nor P3 pnle@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS FIXE 1.2 M1 Lib view icon can't show source control state


Per Kroll
STSM, Manager Methods: RUP / RMC
Project Lead: Eclipse Process Framework
Rational Software, IBM Corp
(M) 408-219-2963

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