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[technology-pmc] EPF - Pls approve 3 committers (content)


please approve commiters
Ben Williams
Nate Oster
Ana Pereira

Description of past contributions below.

Voting records
+11 votes each


Per Kroll
STSM, Manager Methods: RUP / RMC
Project Lead: Eclipse Process Framework
Rational Software, IBM Corp
(M) 408-219-2963

----- Forwarded by Per Kroll/Cupertino/IBM on 04/01/2007 05:37 PM -----
Per Kroll/Cupertino/IBM

03/21/2007 06:34 PM

Pls vote on committers (Content)


please vote yes, no or abstain on making each of the following 3 people committers. Voting closes in a week, but it is good customs to have as many as people respond as fast as possible, even if there is enough (+3) votes to pass. It showcases active support (or lack thereof) I will send a separate e-mail on voting on committers for tool component in the next few days, still collecting info,

Ben Williams
Nate Oster
Ana Pereira

See information on contributions for each one of them.
I my self vote yes on all 3, all great candidates that have contributed a lot, and continues to show dedication to the project.

Ben Williams
Ben has been an active contributor to the project since April 2006.  In particular:
  • Ben has attended and actively participated in two EPF face-face meetings (London Nov 06, and Irvine in Feb. 07)
  • Ben has been active in the EPF newsgroup.
  • Ben has submitted comments and contributed content to EPF via bugs (See list of bugs below and comments in CVS stating that I have commited content on Ben's behalf).
  • Ben is the owner of a number of work-items on EPF (see bug list below)
  • Ben has offered to host the next European F2F in the UK
  • Ben has helped by reviewing and providing content for the RM discipline and reviewing content in other disciplines

137120 2006-09-20 maj P1 PC CLOS EPF Content 1.0 1.0 M3 PM - Work Product: Work Item List
159572 2006-10-10 nor P3 PC CLOS EPF Tool 1.0 1.0.1 URL types other than http, ftp and mailto are interpreted...
160631 2006-10-12 nor P3 PC CLOS EPF Tool 1.0 1.0.1 Wrong publish info about template file
162634 2006-12-11 nor P3 PC ASSI EPF Content 0.9 1.0.0 RM - Tasks need better alignment to OpenUP/Basic discipli...
162636 2006-12-11 nor P3 PC ASSI EPF Content 0.9 1.0.0 RM - Concepts need better alignment to OpenUP/Basic disci...
162641 2006-12-13 nor P3 PC ASSI EPF Content 0.9 1.0.0 RM - Templates need better alignment to OpenUP/Basic disc...
159570 2007-02-21 nor P3 All RESO EPF Content 0.9 1.0 M5 RM - Vision Template Missing 'Priority' and 'Planned Rele...
167919 2007-02-21 nor P3 PC RESO EPF Content 0.9 1.0 M5 RM - Update Template: Vision
162628 Fri 14:58 nor P3 PC CLOS EPF Content 0.9 1.0 M4 RM - Improve description of Role: Analyst
167909 08:55:15 nor P3 PC RESO EPF Content 0.9 1.0 M5 RM - Update Checklist: Vision
167270 09:03:20 nor P3 PC RESO EPF Content 0.9 1.0 M5 RM - Update Artifact: Vision in accordance with review
167279 09:22:36 nor P3 PC RESO EPF Content 0.9 1.0 M5 RM - Update Task: Define Vision in accordance with review...
167853 10:09:54 nor P3 PC ASSI EPF Content 0.9 1.0.0 RM - Update Concept: Requirements Attributes
167855 10:10:53 nor P3 PC ASSI EPF Content 0.9 1.0.0 RM - Update Concept: Traceability

Nate Oster
Nate has been working on the OpenUP/Basic Test discipline since its origin  During that period, he has participated in about 50 bugs, ranging from simple comments to providing content.  Of those, he is the assignee on 14 of them, and has closed 8.  
He spoke about the OpenUP test discipline at Verify 2006, a local testing conference in Washington, D.C.
(“How to Adopt Agile, Iterative Testing with OpenUP”, )
Here’s the chart of his involvement (in terms of bugs assigned) over all the releases so far.



Ana Pereira

Per Kroll
STSM, Manager Methods: RUP / RMC
Project Lead: Eclipse Process Framework
Rational Software, IBM Corp
(M) 408-219-2963

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