April 23, 2014 |
10:53 |
Re: [technology-pmc] PMC Approval Requested For Paho 0.9 Release |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
10:46 |
Re: [technology-pmc] PMC Approval Requested For Paho 0.9 Release |
Chris Aniszczyk |
09:28 |
[technology-pmc] PMC Approval Requested For Paho 0.9 Release |
Ian Craggs |
08:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8220] Google Gson Version: 2.2.4 (ATO CQ7710) (using Orbit CQ7729) |
emo-ip-team |
07:32 |
Re: [technology-pmc] PMC Approval for restructuring sought: Moving Code from Recommenders.Incubator to Recommenders project |
Chris Aniszczyk |
07:29 |
Re: [technology-pmc] PMC Approval for restructuring sought: Moving Code from Recommenders.Incubator to Recommenders project |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
05:07 |
[technology-pmc] PMC Approval for restructuring sought: Moving Code from Recommenders.Incubator to Recommenders project |
Andreas Sewe |
April 22, 2014 |
13:56 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8215] californium |
emo-ip-team |
13:55 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8215] californium |
emo-ip-team |
12:21 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8215] californium |
emo-ip-team |
12:01 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8215] californium |
emo-ip-team |
11:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8217] Apache HttpComponents Client Version: 4.2.6 (ATO CQ7657) ( using Orbit CQ7703) |
emo-ip-team |
11:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8216] Apache HttpComponents Core Version: 4.2.5 (ATO CQ7656) ( using Orbit CQ7702) |
emo-ip-team |
April 21, 2014 |
00:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8215] californium |
emo-ip-team |
April 18, 2014 |
12:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8214] Eclipse Flux initial code contribution |
emo-ip-team |
April 17, 2014 |
13:55 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8159] phidgets Version: 2.1 |
emo-ip-team |
April 16, 2014 |
11:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8211] openrdf-sesame Version: 2.6.10 |
emo-ip-team |
April 15, 2014 |
08:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8210] gxt-all.css Version: 2.3.1 |
emo-ip-team |
05:00 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Getting CQ mails |
Dirk Fauth |
04:37 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Getting CQ mails |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
04:34 |
[technology-pmc] Getting CQ mails |
Dirk Fauth |
04:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8209] Lucene Core Version: 3.5.0 (using Orbit CQ5907) |
emo-ip-team |
April 14, 2014 |
12:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8207] Tango Icons Version: 0.8.90 (PB CQ5106) |
emo-ip-team |
05:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8206] Google Gson Version: 2.2.4 (ATO CQ7710) (using Orbit CQ7729) |
emo-ip-team |
05:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8205] Apache Commons Math Version: 2.1.0 (ATO CQ4759) ( using Orbit CQ4874) |
emo-ip-team |
04:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8204] Initial contribution to org.eclipse.recommenders. privacy incubator project |
emo-ip-team |
02:53 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Request assistance for Nebula NatTable |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
April 13, 2014 |
10:58 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Request assistance for Nebula NatTable |
Chris Aniszczyk |
10:54 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Request assistance for Nebula NatTable |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
April 12, 2014 |
16:45 |
[technology-pmc] Request assistance for Nebula NatTable |
Dirk Fauth |
April 11, 2014 |
13:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8201] SLF4J API Version: 1.7.2 (ATO CQ6855) (using Orbit CQ6862) |
emo-ip-team |
13:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8200] args4j Version: 2.0.21 (ATO CQ6813) (using Orbit CQ7002) |
emo-ip-team |
13:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8199] Apache Commons Lang Version: 3.1.0 (ATO CQ5902) ( using Orbit CQ6123) |
emo-ip-team |
13:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8198] Apache Commons IO Version: 2.0.1 (ATO CQ4790) (using Orbit CQ4791 ) |
emo-ip-team |
13:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8197] Google Guava Version: 15.0.0 (ATO CQ7766) (using Orbit CQ7768) |
emo-ip-team |
10:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8196] commons-cli Version: 1.2 |
emo-ip-team |
05:33 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Moving Code from Recommenders.Incubator to Recommenders project |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
05:22 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Moving Code from Recommenders.Incubator to Recommenders project |
Andreas Sewe |
05:09 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Moving Code from Recommenders.Incubator to Recommenders project |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
04:50 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Moving Code from Recommenders.Incubator to Recommenders project |
Andreas Sewe |
April 10, 2014 |
13:40 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Moving Code from Recommenders.Incubator to Recommenders project |
Wayne Beaton |
13:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8193] groovy testing support |
emo-ip-team |
April 09, 2014 |
10:40 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Moving Code from Recommenders.Incubator to Recommenders project |
Markus Knauer |
10:34 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Moving Code from Recommenders.Incubator to Recommenders project |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
06:04 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Moving Code from Recommenders.Incubator to Recommenders project |
Marcel Bruch |
05:48 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Moving Code from Recommenders.Incubator to Recommenders project |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
03:57 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Eclipse SCADA 0.1.0 Release Request |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
03:28 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Eclipse SCADA 0.1.0 Release Request |
Jens Reimann |
02:01 |
[technology-pmc] Moving Code from Recommenders.Incubator to Recommenders project |
Marcel Bruch |
April 08, 2014 |
09:53 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Eclipse SCADA 0.1.0 Release Request |
Chris Aniszczyk |
07:07 |
[technology-pmc] Eclipse SCADA 0.1.0 Release Request |
Jens Reimann |
April 07, 2014 |
13:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8188] spring-web 3.2.8 |
emo-ip-team |
13:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8187] spring-security-web 3.2.1 |
emo-ip-team |
12:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8186] spring-security-ldap 3.2.1 |
emo-ip-team |
12:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8185] spring-security-config 3.2.1 |
emo-ip-team |
12:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8184] spring-security-acl 3.2.1 |
emo-ip-team |
12:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8183] spring-ldap-core 1.3.2 |
emo-ip-team |
05:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8182] Bug 390947 - Enhance Find Dialog |
emo-ip-team |
00:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8159] phidgets Version: 2.1 |
emo-ip-team |
April 04, 2014 |
16:28 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8159] phidgets Version: 2.1 |
emo-ip-team |
14:59 |
Re: [technology-pmc] CBI Build and Test Dependencies |
Chris Aniszczyk |
14:57 |
Re: [technology-pmc] FW: CBI Build and Test Dependencies |
Eric Rizzo |
14:53 |
Re: [technology-pmc] CBI Build and Test Dependencies |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
14:27 |
Re: [technology-pmc] CBI Build and Test Dependencies |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
14:11 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8134] CBI Build and Test Dependencies Version: n/a |
emo-ip-team |
14:08 |
[technology-pmc] CBI Build and Test Dependencies |
Wayne Beaton |
13:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8181] apache commons lang Version: 3.3.1 |
emo-ip-team |
13:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8180] smack Version: 3.4.1 |
emo-ip-team |
13:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8176] math Version: 3.2 |
emo-ip-team |
13:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8175] jdom Version: 2.0.5 |
emo-ip-team |
12:56 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8167] mbeddr |
emo-ip-team |
12:38 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8167] mbeddr |
emo-ip-team |
12:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8178] PlantUML Version: 7996 |
emo-ip-team |
12:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8174] opencsv Version: 2.3 |
emo-ip-team |
12:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8173] easymock Version: 3.1 |
emo-ip-team |
12:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8167] mbeddr |
emo-ip-team |
12:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8172] mockito Version: 1.9.5 (PB CQ7600) |
emo-ip-team |
12:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8171] Batik SVG generator library Version: 1.7 (PB CQ2482) |
emo-ip-team |
12:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8170] Apache POI Version: 3.9 (PB CQ7006) |
emo-ip-team |
12:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8169] Apache Commons Primitives Version: 1.0 (PB CQ4761) |
emo-ip-team |
12:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8168] Apache Commons IO Version: 2.4 (PB CQ6952) |
emo-ip-team |
09:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8159] phidgets Version: 2.1 |
emo-ip-team |
April 03, 2014 |
17:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8166] Apache Felix Gogo Version: 0.10.0 (Command, Shell and Runtime) Version: 0.10.0 (ATO CQ6402) (using Orbit CQ6793) |
emo-ip-team |
17:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8165] Apache Felix Gogo Version: 0.10.0 (Command, Shell and Runtime) Version: 0.10.0 (ATO CQ6402) (using Orbit CQ6793) |
emo-ip-team |
17:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8164] Apache Felix Gogo Version: 0.10.0 (Command, Shell and Runtime) Version: 0.10.0 (ATO CQ6402) (using Orbit CQ6793) |
emo-ip-team |
13:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8163] AngularJS Version: 1.2.11 (PB CQ8058) |
emo-ip-team |
13:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8162] Twitter Bootstrap Version: 3.1.1 (PB CQ7938) |
emo-ip-team |
12:33 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Tamas Szabo has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Chris Aniszczyk |
12:28 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Tamas Szabo |
portal on behalf of emo |
00:03 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Mirko Paturzo has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Chris Aniszczyk |
00:01 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Mirko Paturzo |
portal on behalf of emo |
April 02, 2014 |
14:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8161] RXTX Version: 2.2.0 |
emo-ip-team |
09:54 |
Re: [technology-pmc] [om2m-dev] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Ghada Gharbi |
Wayne Beaton |
09:53 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Ghada Gharbi has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Wayne Beaton |
09:40 |
Re: [technology-pmc] [om2m-dev] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Ghada Gharbi |
Mahdi Ben Alaya |
03:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8160] Apache Commons Logging Jar Version: 1.1.1 (PB CQ1907) |
emo-ip-team |
02:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8160] Apache Commons Logging Jar Version: 1.1.1 (PB CQ1907) |
emo-ip-team |
April 01, 2014 |
20:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8159] phidgets Version: 2.1 |
emo-ip-team |
18:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 8158] Add ability to edit a commit directly from the history view. |
emo-ip-team |
16:07 |
Re: [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Ghada Gharbi |
Wayne Beaton |