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Re: [sumo-user] Car ignoring traffic lights

I'm unable to reproduce your problem at a right_on_red traffic light. Please provide a minimal failing example scenario for investigation.

Am Mi., 10. Juli 2024 um 15:23 Uhr schrieb Pepijn Gregoire via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hi everyone,

I have a question regarding vehicles ignoring a (red) traffic light. The vehicles are still waiting for a red traffic light, even when using "jmDriveAfterRedTime" and "jmDriveAfterYellowTime". The full string can be found below:

lcOvertakeRight="1" lcSpeedGain="4" jmDriveAfterRedTime="1000" jmDriveAfterYellowTime="1000" jmIgnoreFoeProb="1" jmIgnoreFoeSpeed="100" jmIgnoreJunctionFoeProb="1" jmTimegapMinor="0" impatience="1" maxSpeed="36"

I can open SUMO (1.20.0) and there I can see that my parameters are loaded to the vehicle in question, see the image below:


However these settings do not work and result in the vehicles stopping at the red light. I am using a right on red traffic light, as it is an American scenario. 

My question is: can anyone explain why this is not working? Am I missing something for the vehicles to run a red light? 

Many thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

P.F. Grégoire

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