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Re: [sumo-user] Calibrators Not Spawning

Hi Kaitlyn,


you have used the Calibrator together with routeProbe elements. I didn't notice that when first scrolling across your XML. Apparently the route distribution created by routeProbe is preferred in comparison to the flow route attribute. When the route distribution is not available (no vehicles passed in the last interval), then it seems no vehicles are generated neither.


As you added a route attribute to the flow definition, it looks like you don't want the routeProbe...? So just remove the routeProbe attribute from the Calibrator.


Best regards








Betreff: Re: [sumo-user] Calibrators Not Spawning

Datum: 2024-04-13T05:28:52+0200

Von: "Kaitlyn Liu" <liu.kaitlync@xxxxxxxxx>

An: "Mirko Barthauer" <m.barthauer@xxxxxxxxxxx>




Attached are the files for my simulation as well as the basic TraCI script stepping through the simulation. I also noticed other than the problem with the delay over 3600, the cars don't start spawning until around 200 steps into the simulation and each of the calibrators start spawning at different times. I'm not sure how to fix this issue either because I want the cars to start spawning immediately and the flow begins at 0 for all of the calibrators.
Thank you again!

On Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 5:30 AM Mirko Barthauer <m.barthauer@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Kaitlyn, 


I can't reproduce this with our test examples. Could you please post at least your updated calibrator definitions (or better even attach a minimal failing scenario to run in sumo)?


Best regards







Betreff: Re: [sumo-user] Calibrators Not Spawning

Datum: 2024-04-11T17:48:22+0200

Von: "Kaitlyn Liu" <liu.kaitlync@xxxxxxxxx>

An: "Mirko Barthauer" <m.barthauer@xxxxxxxxxxx>




Just realized I didn’t reply to the mailing list, so resending my previous message.
Thanks for the response! I added the flow end attribute and cars are spawning now, however I can't seem to extend the end past 3600 seconds. Whenever I try to do so, the calibrators won't spawn cars. What should I do if I want to make the simulation last for longer than an hour?

On Apr 10, 2024, at 5:10 PM, Kaitlyn Liu <liu.kaitlync@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Mirko,
Thanks for the response. I added the flow end attribute and cars are spawning now, however I can't seem to extend the end past 3600 seconds. Whenever I try to do so, the calibrators won't spawn cars. What should I do if I want to make the simulation last for longer than an hour?

On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 12:36 PM Mirko Barthauer <m.barthauer@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Kaitlyn,


what happens if you add the flow end attribute? Judging from the source code, I think this can be a problem because the flow duration is undefined / set to 0.


Best regards






Betreff: [sumo-user] Calibrators Not Spawning

Datum: 2024-04-10T17:50:37+0200

Von: "Kaitlyn Liu via sumo-user" <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>

An: "sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx" <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>




I am currently trying to insert calibrators into my simulation but the calibrators do not seem to be spawning in with both a manual route (ca_3) or a route probe (ca_0-2). I have the following additional file:
<additional xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
    <!-- RouteProbes -->
    <vType id="spawned_car" vClass="passenger" color="1,1,1"/>
    <routeProbe id="rp_0" begin="0.00" period="20.00" edge="28727103#0" file="rp_0.xml"/>
    <routeProbe id="rp_1" begin="0.00" period="20.00" edge="625479007#6" file="rp_1.xml"/>
    <routeProbe id="rp_2" begin="0.00" period="20.00" edge="-292851770#0" file="rp_2.xml"/>
    <routeProbe id="rp_3" begin="0.00" period="20.00" edge="-966308107#4" file="rp_3.xml"/>
    <route id="r_0" edges="-966308107#4 -28727096#5 -28727096#1 625479007#0 625479007#1 625479007#3 625479007#6 926031003#0 11956345 926031004#0 -11734068#2" color="red"/>
    <route id="r_1" edges="-966308107#4 11826990#0 11826990#2 11826990#3 265895120#0 28727103#0 28727103#4 11834237#0 11834237#1 625479007#0 625479007#1 625479007#3 625479007#6 11737884#0" color="green"/>
    <route id="r_2" edges="-625851681#2 -28727096#5 -28727096#1 625479007#0 625479007#1 625479007#3 625479007#6 11737884#0" color="green"/>
    <route id="r_3" edges="-966308107#4 -28727096#5 -28727096#1 625479007#0 625479007#1 625479007#3 625479007#6 11737884#0"/>
    <route id="r_4" edges="-625851681#2 -28727096#5 -28727096#1 625479007#0 625479007#1 625479007#3 625479007#6 926031003#0 11956345 926031004#0 -11734068#2" color="blue"/>
    <route id="r_5" edges="-625851681#2 11826990#0 11826990#2 11826990#3 265895120#0 28727103#0 28727103#4 11834237#0 11834237#1 625479007#0 625479007#1 625479007#3 625479007#6 11737884#0" color="blue"/>
    <route id="r_6" edges="-625851681#2 11826990#0 11826990#2 11826990#3 265895120#0 -320455187#3 -24864540#7 -335532208#1 335532207#0 11729090#0 11729090#1 335532206 54964356#0" color="blue"/>
    <route id="r_7" edges="-966308107#4 11826990#0 11826990#2 11826990#3 265895120#0 -320455187#3 -24864540#7 -335532208#1 335532207#0 11729090#0 11729090#1 335532206 54964356#0" color="blue"/>
    <route id="r_8" edges="-11826990#1 11960711#0 -294921088#6 1121515071" color="blue"/>
    <route id="r_9" edges="-11826990#1 625851681#0 625361998#0 625361998#1 625361998#4 625361998#5 292851770#0 292851770#1 292851770#7" color="blue"/>
    <route id="r_10" edges="-11826990#1 -28727096#5 -28727096#1 625479007#0 625479007#1 625479007#3 625479007#6 11737884#0" color="blue"/>
    <route id="r_11" edges="-11826990#1 -28727096#5 -28727096#1 625479007#0 625479007#1 625479007#3 625479007#6 926031003#0 11956345 926031004#0 -11734068#2" color="blue"/>
    <route id="r_12" edges="28727096#2 11826990#0 11826990#2 11826990#3 265895120#0 -320455187#3 -24864540#7 -335532208#1 335532207#0 11729090#0 11729090#1 335532206 54964356#0"/>
    <route id="r_13" edges="28727096#2 625851681#0 625361998#0 625361998#1 625361998#4 625361998#5 292851770#0 292851770#1 292851770#7"/>
    <route id="r_14" edges="28727096#2 11960711#0 -294921088#6 -294921088#4 320948882#0"/>
    <route id="r_15" edges="28727096#2 625851681#0 625361998#0 625361998#1 625361998#4 625361998#5 11837579#0 11837579#3 335532207#0 11729090#0 11729090#1 335532206 54964356#0"/>

    <!-- Calibrators -->
    <calibrator id="ca_1" edge="625479007#6" pos="0.00" routeProbe="rp_1">
        <flow begin="0.00" departPos="free" departSpeed="max" speed="27.80" vehsPerHour="600.00"/>
    <calibrator id="ca_0" edge="28727103#0" pos="0.00" routeProbe="rp_0">
        <flow begin="0.00" departPos="free" departSpeed="max" speed="27.80" vehsPerHour="1000.00"/>
    <calibrator id="ca_2" edge="-292851770#0" pos="0.00" routeProbe="rp_2">
        <flow begin="0.00" departPos="free" departSpeed="max" speed="27.80" vehsPerHour="600.00"/>
    <calibrator id="ca_3" edge="-966308107#4" pos="0.00" output="ca_3.xml">
        <flow begin="0.00" departPos="free" departSpeed="max" speed="27.80" route="r_0" vehsPerHour="100.00" period="5"/>

    <!-- Detectors -->
    <laneAreaDetector id="0" lane="28727096#2_0" pos="70.00" length="49.00" tl="GS_105097632" file="LAD_output"/>
    <laneAreaDetector id="1" lane="28727096#2_1" pos="70.00" length="49.00" tl="GS_105097632" file="LAD_output"/>
    <laneAreaDetector id="2" lane="-625851681#2_0" pos="80.00" length="49.00" tl="GS_105097632" file="LAD_output"/>
    <laneAreaDetector id="3" lane="-625851681#2_1" pos="80.00" length="49.00" tl="GS_105097632" file="LAD_output"/>
    <laneAreaDetector id="4" lane="-966308107#4_0" pos="285.00" length="49.00" tl="GS_105097632" file="LAD_output"/>
    <laneAreaDetector id="5" lane="-11826990#1_0" pos="5.00" length="40.00" tl="GS_105097632" file="LAD_output"/>
These are my configs for traci: 
            '--net-file', 'simulation/',
            '--route-files', 'simulation/passenger.trips.xml',
            '--delay', '1000',
            '--gui-settings-file', 'simulation/view.xml',
            '--additional-files', 'simulation/additional.add.xml',
            '--max-depart-delay', '20',
I was wondering if anyone has any idea what could be going wrong.



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