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Re: [sumo-user] Variable traffic flows, density and arrival times

Follow up:

Here is a flow definition I am trying to imitate by TraCI insertions:

<flow arrivalLane="current" arrivalPosLat="center" begin="0" departLane="free" departPosLat="center" departSpeed="desired" id="flow_btt" number="6000" route="bottom_to_top" type="veh" vehsPerHour="6000" />

In TraCI:

for veh_id in range(1, 6000 + 1):
    agent_id = str(veh_id)

It's the exact same one, with all other configurations being the same. And yet, somehow there are differences in these statistics:

Predefined flow finished at step 7660, departDelay="2025.31", totalTravelTime="58439.00", totalDepartDelay="12151865.00".
TraCI imitation finished at step 8260, departDelay="4124.97", totalTravelTime="58424.00", totalDepartDelay="24749795.00"

Does a predefined flow in a routes file do something additional that the TraCI imitation by vehicle insertion is missing - I'm guessing it sets the times of insertions for each vehicle differently. Is it possible to equalize these behaviours or is this an impossible task?

Thank you,

On Sat, 6 Jan 2024 at 12:14, Hriday Sanghvi <sanghvih@xxxxxx> wrote:

I was trying to implement dynamic flows where I wanted to change the vehsPerHour mid-simulation.

Example flow:
<flow arrivalLane="current" arrivalPosLat="center" begin="0" departLane="random" departPosLat="center" departSpeed="max" id="flow_btt" number="100" route="bottom_to_top" type="veh" vehsPerHour="6000" />

I couldn't find a way to dynamically set/update flows using TraCI, so I assume I have to add vehicles using TraCI to simulate a particular type of flow?

1. So if I wanted to insert vehicles at a rate of 6000 vehs/Hour, I need to insert 6000 / (60 x 60) = 1.6667 vehs/Second or 2 vehs/Second? (assuming 1 second = 1 TraCI simulationStep()?

2. There seem to be limitations to 1. For example, if there is a road with only a single lane, then there is a maximum vehicle flow that it can tolerate, beyond which there is no effect. Is that correct? So I would have to have multiple lanes to increase the flow?

3. Assuming 2 is correct, since 1 lane cannot have a flow higher than 1 vehs/Second, I will need as many lanes 'x' to accommodate the desired flow [x] vehs/Second? If not, then what are the other ways apart from increasing number of lanes that can increase the capacity of the road to tolerate more vehsPerHour or flow?

Please advise.

Thank you,

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