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Re: [sumo-user] [EXT] AW: [new user] - my train is not picking up the container at the container stop
  • From: Hector A Martinez <hmartinez@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 17:54:43 +0000
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  • Thread-topic: [EXT] AW: [sumo-user] [new user] - my train is not picking up the container at the container stop

Thank you Mirko for your help.


I continue to have problems. I can get the Train to pick up my container at the container stop.


Here is my code:

<routes xmlns:xsi= xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=>

    <!-- train definitions -->

    <vType id="FtLewis-TacomaSPOE_train" vClass="rail"/>


    <!-- trip definitions -->    

    <trip id="trip1" type="FtLewis-TacomaSPOE_train" depart="0" departLane="best" departSpeed="max" from="51231273#0" to="51231318#6">

        <stop containerStop="FtLewis-Stop" duration="80"/>

        <stop containerStop="TacomaSPOE-Stop" duration="80"/>



    <!-- container that needs transport -->

    <containerFlow id="container0" begin="0" end="100" number="1" departPos="150" color="255,0,0">

        <!-- <stop lane="51231273#0_0" duration="10" startPos="150" actType="waiting"/> storing container at containerStop Tacoma -->

        <tranship from="51231273#0" containerStop="FtLewis-Stop" departPos="140" arrivalPos="150"/> <!-- tranship is the concept of loading from the yard to the trainStop and then to train and viceversa -->

        <transport containerStop="TacomaSPOE-Stop" lines="trip1"/>  <!-- transported in rail using FtLewis-TacomaSPOE_line -->

        <tranship containerStop="TacomaSPOE-Stop"/>

        <stop lane="51231318#6_0" duration="50"/> <!-- end stop at containerStop Tacoma -->




Any advice?






From: Mirko Barthauer <m.barthauer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2023 11:30 AM
To: Sumo project User discussions <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Hector A Martinez <hmartinez@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [EXT] AW: [sumo-user] [new user] - my train is not picking up the container at the container stop


Dear Hector, you can find the documentation about containers here. There are some examples using containerFlow definitions in our test suite to download, e. g. this one. It is important that you comply with the rules for transports given in

Dear Hector,


you can find the documentation about containers here. There are some examples using containerFlow definitions in our test suite to download, e.g. this one. It is important that you comply with the rules for transports given in the documentation.


Best regards







Betreff: [sumo-user] [new user] - my train is not picking up the container at the container stop

Datum: 2023-12-12T15:01:00+0100

Von: "Hector A Martinez via sumo-user" <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>

An: "sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx" <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>




Dear SUMO experts,


I am having problems with my containerFlow code in my simulation and I cant figure out what is wrong from the online documentation. I am testing logistics scenario where the train picks up Containers from a Stop and drops it at the destination stop.


My rail is not picking up the container from my containerStop. Can you please point me to the document/blog that may help me fix this?


Thanks in advance,


Hector A. Martinez, P.E.

Transportation Researcher, Resilient Transportation and Logistics LTM

MITRE | National Security Engineering Center




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