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Re: [sumo-user] A question that I would like to post

- you can adapt the speed of the vehicle (up or down) by calling traci.vehicle.slowDown(vehID, newSpeed, timeToReachNewSpeed)
- you can obtain the state and distance of upcoming traffic lights with traci.vehicle.getNextTLS
- you can find tutorials for traci use here:
- and a lot of further code examples here:
- note, that SUMO also provides the functionality out-of-the-box (if you need something to compare your algorithm to):


Am Mi., 22. Juni 2022 um 15:38 Uhr schrieb Βασίλης Β <bilakos4@xxxxxxxxx>:
Greetings. I hope this email finds you well. My apologies for troubling you with this email, but I could really use some help on the following, so I would like to post the following question if that is ok with you. 

Title: "How to control and change the speed of a vehicle approaching a traffic light at an intersection, based on the state of the traffic light (e.g. if red, yellow or green) in a simple two-lane intersection with traffic lights simulation"

Main body: "I am new to SUMO, and I was trying to figure this out for a long time on my own, but I am really stuck, although I know this is probably very easy for someone with the proper knowledge. What I want to do is to provide speed advice (coming from an algorithm that I have created) to vehicles that are approaching a traffic light (e.g. if at a distance of 300 meters from the light, the light is red, decelerate accordingly, or if green, maintain current speed, etc.). I have created a simple simulation with a fixed-phased traffic light intersection, with two lanes, with vehicles being generated each some seconds with a given probability.
My guess is that I need to use TraCI for that, but I have failed to do so so far, and I also searched for possible similar problems, but couldn't find anything. Connecting my algorithm to the simulation and getting the speed advice directly seems even more tricky for now, so if you can provide some ideas on how I can give manually the "new" speeds of each vehicle approaching the traffic light, that would be amazing! Thank you in advance for your time and for reading all that, I really appreciate it."

Thank you very much, I really appreciate your help! Have a good day and take care.

With respect and appreciation 
Vasilis Volakakis
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