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Re: [sumo-user] Sumo Interactions

- you can extend sumo with custom C++ code (so it might keep track of additional information or behave differently or send information over a network)
- almost anything that you wish a vehicle to execute can also be accomplished from a program that connects to sumo. (by recording everything the vehicle "sees", sending commands to change the vehicle behavior or sending information to an external device).

The second approach is most likely easier to implement (and you can use python).

Am Do., 16. Dez. 2021 um 16:07 Uhr schrieb Francois PION-DRANCY <francois.piondrancy@xxxxxxxxx>:

It's my first question on this mail list, so I don't know if iy is the good way.
Event, I ask my question.

I think to use sumo for some experience.
But before, I need to know if Sumu can satisfy my need.

I understand that it is possible to execute a program (i.e. in Python language) in order to connect to Sumo and to request something.

But in the other way, is it possible that an "object" in Sumo  (i.e. a vehicle) "executes" a program in Python itself, For exemple, connect to an external device, and send continuously its position ?.

Best regard,
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