Thanks for the response. Actually, I have created around 7 reroutes which started from the edge '739763278#0' (rerouter.add.xml). Edge '739763278#0' is the edge that is just before the edge Out-E-3 (the edge which I am planning to close temporarily during my simulation).
What I want is that, all my vehicles that have to pass through the edge "Out-E-3" choose one of the routes that I defined in reroute. I do not understand how could I get this to be done? Could you please give me some idea?
On Wed, 13 Oct 2021 at 13:36, Harald Schaefer <fechsaer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Syed Şah Sultan,
the car making problems is vehicle 190, which has the
one-direction edge Out-E-3 as target. There is no way, even with
rerouters to get to this target, when it is closed!
I am trying to
close an edge id ="Close-Out-E-3" from my
network between <interval begin="500" end="4000">
and directing all the vehicles at edges="739763278#0">
I also define
some reroutes which are starting from edges="739763278#0".
But when I am running my simulation, it is getting stopped
after 500 seconds and giving an error for the route of one of
the vehicles.
1) What I want is
to transfer all my vehicles that are passing to that
edge, follow the reroutes that I am giving.
2) Through TraCI,
how can I ask my vehicle to find new routes for their
destination during simulation?