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Re: [sumo-user] Routing is not working for a closed edge.

Hi Syed Şah Sultan,

the car making problems is vehicle 190, which has the one-direction edge Out-E-3 as target. There is no way, even with rerouters to get to this target, when it is closed!

For setting a route from Traci look for traci.vehicle.setRoute resp setRoutedId (

Regards, Harald

Am 12.10.21 um 14:38 schrieb Syed Şah Sultan:
Hello all,

I am trying to close an edge id ="Close-Out-E-3" from my network between <interval begin="500" end="4000"> and directing all the vehicles at  edges="739763278#0">

I also define some reroutes which are starting from edges="739763278#0". But when I am running my simulation, it is getting stopped after 500 seconds and giving an error for the route of one of the vehicles. 

1) What I want is to transfer all my vehicles that are passing to that edge, follow the reroutes that I am giving. 
2) Through TraCI, how can I ask my vehicle to find new routes for their destination during simulation? 

Thanks a lot
Syed Shah Sultan Mohiuddin

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