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Re: [sumo-user] Vehicles are not Responding to Commands in TraCI

Hi Ifezue,

with some slight modifications both batterie request and slowDown in your script works fine

leader ('6', 39.15839766767725)
14516 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  5.8
leader ('6', 33.86887170421031)
14517 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  5.3
leader ('6', 29.05112082833128)
14518 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  4.8
leader ('6', 25.030976798088826)
14519 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  4.0
leader ('6', 21.36720949786841)
14520 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  3.7
leader ('6', 18.027421043122573)
14521 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  3.3
leader ('6', 14.982158811535452)
14522 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  3.0
leader ('6', 12.2046476919108)
14523 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  2.8
leader ('6', 9.670546674070202)
14524 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  2.5
leader ('6', 7.357727566942389)
14525 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  2.3
leader ('6', 5.246073833189829)
14526 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  2.1
leader ('6', 3.333195595135593)
14527 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  1.9
leader ('6', 2.0003173570813555)
14528 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  1.3
leader ('6', 1.200590414248813)
14529 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  0.8
leader ('6', 0.7207542485492882)
14530 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  0.5
leader ('6', 0.4328525491295725)
14531 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  0.3
leader ('6', 0.26011152947774363)
14532 Slowdown vehicle 5 with current speed  0.2
leader ('6', 0.15646691768664578)

100 secs is a long time to increase the distance between two vehicles close to each other, i have chosen 10 sec

In your battery stuff you should query the vehicle, not the vehicleType.

Regards, Harald

Am 13.10.21 um 02:57 schrieb vincentobiako:

Hello Everyone


I am fairly new to Python and SUMO. I have a bus route, referred to as a Green Bus Route, that is running in SUMO. This bus route has two buses on its line/route and somehow these buses manage to get bunched up together, offering no headway between the two vehicles. I am currently trying to solve this issue by having the follower bus slow down for some time so that it can get some adequate headway between it and the leading bus. In order to this, I am having the following bus “detect” the lead bus through the traci.vehicle.getLeader() method and having the bus slow down with traci.vehicle.slowDown() method. However, when I run my script in the simulation, the simulation runs with no errors, but the green buses don’t seem to do what I had intended them to do in the Python script.


I have attached some test files to this email for reference to clear up any confusion. Please refer to the Python function named “maintain_headway” for where this issue seems to be occurring.


Thanks for the help in advance



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import traci
# import time
# import csv
from sumolib import checkBinary

import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    usage='%(prog)s [optional arguments] -- SUMOARGS',
    description='Run SUMO and compute passengers per vehicle',
          ' -f 500 -l 1000 -v tram1 tram4 -- -c loopAraya.sumocfg\n'
          '    run SUMO with loopAraya.sumocfg, collect data between 500 and 1000 sec for vehicles tram1 and tram4\n'
          ' -f 3600 -t 4000 -v 0 1 2 3 -- -c test.sumocfg\n'
          '    run SUMO with test.sumocfg, collect data between 3600 and 4000 sec for vehicles 0,1,2 and 3'
, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('-f','--first', type=int, default=0, help='From time')
parser.add_argument('-l','--last', type=int, default=3600, help='To time')
parser.add_argument('-v','--vehicles', nargs='+', help='Vehicles to observe')
parser.add_argument('-g','--gui', action='store_true', help='Use sumo-gui')
parser.add_argument('sumoargs', nargs='+')
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.gui:
  sumoBinary = checkBinary ("sumo-gui")
  sumoBinary = checkBinary ("sumo")

sumoCmd = [sumoBinary, "--quit-on-end", "--start"]

print('Run ' + ' '.join(sumoCmd))

step = 0
csvfile = open('passengers.csv', 'w')

# plugins for the main loop fror different questions
def fueling_behavior(current_time):
  if 3600 <= current_time <= 4000:
    current_fuel_Level = traci.vehicle.getParameter("0", "device.battery.actualBatteryCapacity")
    print ('%.0f Vehicle %s Battery %8.2f' % (current_time, '0', float(current_fuel_Level)))

#         print (current_fuel_Level)

def maintain_headway(current_time):
  #For Green Route Buses (ONLY)
  # Detect Vehicle 6 so that Vehicle 5 can slow down
  if current_time >= 3600:
    secondVehicle = '5'
    leader = traci.vehicle.getLeader(secondVehicle, 30)
    if leader != None:
      print('leader', leader)
      #print('Leader of 5 %s' % leader_id)
      if leader[0] == "6" and leader[1] <= 50:
        oldSpeed = traci.vehicle.getSpeed(secondVehicle)
        traci.vehicle.slowDown(secondVehicle, 0.1, 10)
        #traci.vehicle.slowDown(secondVehicle, 0.1, 100)
        print('%.0f Slowdown vehicle %s with current speed %4.1f' % (current_time, secondVehicle, oldSpeed))

#         if leader_id >= ("6", 15):
#             traci.vehicle.openGap("5", 360, 1850, 300, -0.5, -0.5, "6")
#             traci.vehicle.getSt

# main loop, current_time serves as step
while traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0:
  current_time = traci.simulation.getTime()

  # Execution for Beginning of Simulation
  # do nothing special
  # Execution for collecting Ridership within Bus Vehicles
  # call plugins
  if args.first <= step:
        # This set of code gets the number of riders currently within the bus
        list_of_ridership = [str(current_time)]
        for id in args.vehicles:
          # take care, if vehicle does not exist
            ridership = traci.vehicle.getPersonNumber(id)
            ridership = 0
        # create a comma-separated list
        print(','.join(list_of_ridership), file=csvfile, flush=True)
  if step > args.last:
  step += 1 # not really used any more


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