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[sumo-user] Simulating flows in network with defined border nodes intensities

Good day,

I have a network I should run simulation on, and it has the following structure:

where I1 and I2 stand for intersections where I have precise flow allocation by every direction; O1-3 - are objects generating and attracting flow (let's say shopping malls), rates of generating and attracting are known. All flows on borders of the network are known as well.

My purpose is to make cars drive to (from) objects O1-3 from (to) random border nodes, the other drivers should just move between random nodes, but known flows must stay unchanged.

What are possible solutions for this problem? As minimal, I need to simulate flows from-to random border nodes with defined in-out intensities. In SUMO I had only expirience of particular intersections simulating. Thank for your advices in advance.

Dmitrii Grishchuk.

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