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Re: [sumo-user] Vehicle returns to original position after 'MoveTo' Command

Is your scenario using opposite-direction driving?

Am Fr., 5. Feb. 2021 um 21:59 Uhr schrieb Bae, Jong In <jbae42@xxxxxxxxxx>:

In my scenario, I am using 'moveTo' traci command to force a lane change.  To be more descriptive, I am using the following line;
'traci.vehicle.moveTo(veh_ID, targetlane, traci.vehicle.getLanePosition(veh_ID))'

However, I'm observing some cases where vehicles get returned to its original position as soon as they were moved by the traci command.

I turned off some of the lane changing model parameters as follows:
lcStrategic="0" lcAssertive="1" lcCooperative="0" lcSpeedGain="0" lcPushy="0" lcImpatience="0"

Would there by any other reason that is causing this problem?
Also, in some of the cases where the vehicle is returned to its original position, the following vehicles were passing through as it the vehicle is invisible.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
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