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Re: [sumo-user] Sumo flows and speed distribution

You can add vehicles at the same time along the road using

<route id="r" edges=" ..."/>
 <flow id="flow" begin="0" end="0" number="50" departSpeed="desired" departPos="random_free" type="t0" departLane="free" route="r" /> 

If you need to maintain a constant number of vehicles, see
The --max-num-vehicles strategy is appropriate to your scenario and you could define a second flow with begin=1 that feeds in new vehicles at the start of the route to replace arrived vehicles.

Setting speeds with a uniform random distribution is not supported at the moment (except when setting a custom value for every vehicle).
However, you can get quite close by defining a truncated wide normal distribution. To center this on 95km/h, set the road speed limit to 26.39m/s or adapt the mean and cutoff parameters as need relative to the road speed (,_Vehicle_Types,_and_Routes.html#defining_a_normal_distribution_for_vehicle_speeds)
     <vType id="t0" speedFactor="normc(1,1,0.95,1.05)"/>

Note, that you requirement for constant vehicle speeds cannot generally be achieved without violating safety since a faster vehicle might be following a slower vehicle and would need to slow down to avoid collision.


Am Sa., 9. Jan. 2021 um 19:44 Uhr schrieb IT Tech <aekralem21@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hello Everyone, 

I need help setting a scenario in sumo, I have a highway which has 3 lanes and two junctions: left and right. it is of 4 Km Long.

I need to set a flow of vehicle with these characteristics : 

 01 - The number of vehicles of the flow is 50 
 02 - Every vehicle has to have a constant speed uniformly distributed in the range 90-100 km/h (the speed does not change)
 03 - The vehicles must be added to the road at the same time (say at 0sec).
How can I set this scenario? Thank You. Regards 
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