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[sumo-user] Teleporting car after loading a saved state


I have a network where only 2 cars are travelling (for testing purpose). If I let the simulation run to completion none of cars stand too long in front of an intersection and no teleportation occurs. But when I save a state in the middle of the simulation and start the simulation again from the saved state, the cars do travel to the nearest intersection but then they get stuck there and get teleported to the next edge. They do not move even when there is a green phase or there are no vehicles in the opposite lanes. Has anybody faced this kind of problem before and know why this is happening?

For saving state I am using: 

And for loading state:
traci.start([checkBinary('sumo-gui'), "-c", "config.sumocfg", "--load-state", 'saved_simulation']) 

I am using SUMO 1.7.0. Let me know if you want me to give you a small code for sanity check.

Thank you.

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