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[sumo-user] Lane choice when stopping beside the road

Hi all,

I would like define a taxi which make a few stops *beside* some edges. So I defined my stops with `parking="true"` as shown below:

`< stop lane="edge_0" until="50.00" parking="true" />`

However, when I ran the simulation, I got an error saying that the taxi is not allowed to stop on lane `edge_0`. I realised that `edge_0` is a sidewalk which doesn't allow taxis. However `edge_1` is a road and it does allow taxis. So I redefine the above stop, but with `lane="edge_1"`. When I rerun the simulation it then works.

I would like to find out if there is an easier way than redefining the lane index for each and every stop that encounters an error. I want my taxis to stop *beside* the edges, so it shouldn't matter what lane the I select... It would be nice if I could just define the *edge* rather than the *lane* when defining the stop (i.e. `< stop edge="edge" until="50.00" parking="true" />`).

Please see the attached figure if my explanation didn't make sense.


PNG image

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