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Re: [sumo-user] What is the unit of fuel in Emission Output?

Thanks, I understand now.

Two more question about fuel used:
I created simulation with tls intersection. I draw a charts for one vehicle.
On motion.png chart (see attachment) you can see vehicle's speed in
simulation time. On other two charts you can see moment fuel and sum fuel
used by vehicle from the begining of motion. Why does vehicle start to use
fuel when it is still standing on the lane (speed is equal 0). See 127s of x
axis in all charts.
Vehicle starts to move in 140 second of simulation.
Vehicle starts to use fuel in 127 second of simulation.
It is unintuitive for me. Could you explain?

2. The length of gneE0_0 lane is 191m. Vehicle used about 4.5 ml of fuel. It
is about 2.4l / 100 km. It seems to be very small fuel usage for cars. What
do you think about this value?

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