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Re: [sumo-user] Reroute by Effort

Generally, the routing device makes better predictions when compared to instantaneous travel times (traci.edge.getTraveltime) or empty-network travel times (length/maxSpeed).
I'm just pointing out that there are situations where the predictions are wrong (and you would be better off using historical travel times for that time of day or some other kind of prediction).
A typical situation is "just before a jam occurs". In this situation instantaneous travel times may be better because they are more "volatile" than any averages but the downside is that you will also react to a lot of noise and traffic lights will severely lead your routing astray depending on which part in their cycle you are looking at them.

Am Mi., 23. Sept. 2020 um 14:05 Uhr schrieb marcelreppi <marcelreppi@xxxxxxxxx>:
So would you say it would have been better to use
traci.edge.getTraveltime(eid) or length/max speed instead of the rerouting

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