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Re: [sumo-user] Demand modelling with induction loop data and (flow)router

1) flowrouter does not make use of speed data

Am Mi., 26. Aug. 2020 um 16:27 Uhr schrieb Ferfers, Tobias <tobias.ferfers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hello everyone,


I want to model the traffic demand with induction loop data (only count data no speed information ) of a part from a mid-sized town. I am now wondering what is the best way to get the data into the model to make the demand in SUMO as realistic as possible.


Based on the sumo documentation  about demand modeling from count data flowrouter sounds like a good idea. But I’m missing the information about average speed of the vehicles detected in the time span in my data.


I saw the SUMO scenario of Bologna from the SUMO Conference 2014 “Traffic simulation for all: a real world traffic scenario from the city of Bologna” ( where the basic situation in case of demand data is the same. Only count data from induction loops and no speed information. Apparently the paper does not described which tools are used and how the missing speed information is handled.


Now my questions:

  1. Since I’m missing the speed information from the traffic data. How important is that speed value and how does this speed information affect the routes coming from flowrouter?
  2. Do you have any references or experience for demand modeling with induction loop data which could help me to decide which tool is the best choice?


Best regards,




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