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Re: [sumo-user] Convert trips to list of nodes
  • From: <Maria.Armellini@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2020 17:17:52 +0000
  • Accept-language: de-DE, en-US
  • Delivered-to: sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Ironport-phdr: 9a23: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  • Thread-topic: [sumo-user] Convert trips to list of nodes

Hi Antoine,

The "edges" attribute in the route file shows the consecutive edges id of the route.
<route edges="35049297 -173282740 150031197#8" /> This route is composed of three edges with ids 35049297, -173282740 and 150031197#8.

Regarding your first question, you can use sumolib in python to parse the network and the route file. See for some examples.  
You could for example read all edges ids in each route and use the "from node" attribute to get the node id. For a list of all node ids in the network, you can use getNodes(). This can be done with the following Python code:

import os, sys
if 'SUMO_HOME' in os.environ:
    tools = os.path.join(os.environ['SUMO_HOME'], 'tools')
    sys.exit("please declare environment variable 'SUMO_HOME'")

# import the library
import sumolib

# parse the net
net ='')

# parse all nodes in the net
node_ids = [node.getID() for node in net.getNodes()]

# parse all edges in the route file
for route in sumolib.output.parse_fast('myRoutes.rou.xml', 'route', ['edges']):
    route_edges = route.edges.split()
   # get node ids instead of edge ids
    route_nodes = [net.getEdge(edge).getFromNode().getID() for edge in route_edges]
    # do something with the vector of node ids


-----Original Message-----
From: sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of eclipse.eprok@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Donnerstag, 9. Juli 2020 17:33
To: sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sumo-user] Convert trips to list of nodes


I am working on graph algorithms. I use python and networkx.
I would like to work with the data from the TAPAS Cologne scenario

I would like to have the graph corresponding to the road network in the
format: "node1 node2", along with a list of nodes for each trajectory.

How could I do that?

I successfully converted the road network to a format that networkx
understands but the tool that I used renamed the nodes, so I can't use it.

As for the trajectories, I have a .rou.xml file with <route
edges="35049297 -173282740 150031197#8" />. What is between quotes? Is
it the list of nodes of the trajectory?

Thanks for your help,

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