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Re: [sumo-user] Failed reading junction shape

Sounds like you might have a mismatch between your sumo version and your traci version.
What is the result of calling traci.getVersion(), what is the version printed when running 'sumo' without arguments (or in the application title when running sumo-gui)?

Am Mi., 10. Juni 2020 um 12:10 Uhr schrieb zipfl <zipfl@xxxxxx>:

I tried to get the juction shape of a junction of my scenario:
const libsumo::TraCIPositionVector shape = junction.getShape(id);

This works totally fine as long as my scenario has no intersections.
For example when my road network looks like this, no errors appear:

As soon as I add a extra road to the intersection, the following error
/tcpip::Storage::readIsSafe: want to read 4 bytes from Storage, but only 0


Could this be a bug or did I forget something when creating the scenario?
The scenario was manually created with netedit and consists of basically 3
to 4 vertices.
(The same error is reproducible by having only roads with 1 lane.)

thanks and regards,
Max Zipfl

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