The error indicates that the network is disconnected between stops. This could be because the stops have been assigned to the wrong network edges or because the network itself is incomplete. I recommend that you try to import an area with which you are familiar and check one of the lines carefully in sumo-gui:
Am So., 19. Apr. 2020 um 15:31 Uhr schrieb Fay Kostopoulou <faykost@xxxxxxxxx>:
Dear Jakob,
Thank you for your reply. I tried to import them by using the latest development verion, but still some of them are missing. I would like to ask you about the second step via which is about the schedules. This python script doesn't run to me with the latest development version. In version 1.3.1 it gives the errors in the attached file. Why are there stops which appear on the first step but not on the schedules?
Στις Δευ, 13 Απρ 2020 στις 3:19 μ.μ., ο/η Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> έγραψε:
there are different levels of detail at which public transport stops can be represented in OSM. In version 1.5 only stops where the stop location on a road is defined are imported. In the latest development version, stops are also imported if only the waiting position of the passengers is defined as long as the stop is referenced by a public transport line (see
If you can provide osm data examples where bus stops are still missing when using the latest development version, I can take a look to see whether they could be imported somehow.
Am Do., 9. Apr. 2020 um 12:39 Uhr schrieb Harald Schaefer <fechsaer@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hello Fay,
a "good" bus stop must have a link to the street (e.g. lane) and
to the pt-lines, which serve this stop.
Depending on the modelling of a bus stop in OSM it is imported
to SUMO or not and sometimes OSM does not have line information.
For me it seems that bus stops with a relation to a platform in
OSM are imported.
The bus stops are in the additional file osm_stops.add.xml.
If you manage to create this type of information from your
coordinates with the correct lookup of the right lane, you are
Best regards,
Am 08.04.20 um 23:01 schrieb Fay
Hello everyone,
I am trying to import public transport, having data from
osm. It seems that data from osm have exact information, but
when I import the exported file in sumo, a lot of stops are
missing. I would like to ask you, is there any way to import
all the bus stops rather than manually?
Also, I have found coordinates data for all bus stops. Is
there any way to import them in sumo?