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Re: [sumo-user] varaible speed sign

There is no attribute "name" for this element according to the SUMO XML scheme (see the .xsd files at SUMO_HOME/data/xsd). Either you remove the attribute directly or start SUMO using --xml-validation "never"


Am 17.01.2020 um 16:04 schrieb wangwenxuan:

   When I  set the variable speed limit in sumo, the codes are :
<variableSpeedSign id="variableSpeedSign_0" name="vss1" pos="150.87,50.76" lanes="r1_1" >
<step time="200.00" speed="33.89"/>
<step time="400.00" speed="13.89"/>

But it shows :
Error: attribute 'name' is not declared for element 'variableSpeedSign'
 In file 'vss.add.xml'
 At line/column 50/94.

But I have declared the ’name=“vss1”’. So could  you please help me to figure it out? Thank you very much!

Best regards
Wenuxan Wang

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