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[sumo-user] SUMO 1.4.0 released

Dear friends and users,
we are happy to announce the release of SUMO version 1.4.0.
The download links are at

This release brings improvements in different areas such as parking,
actuated traffic lights, sublane simulation, intermodal simulation and railway simulation.
There are many new features and fixes in this release and the most important ones are listed below.
For a full list of changes, as always see


- Simulation
  - Simulation of parking vehicles now optionally takes into account maneuvering times.
  - Permissions of internal lanes (connections) are now taken into account
    independent of the lanes before and after the intersection. NETEDIT and
NETCONVERT support defining connection permissions
  - Traffic light type 'actuated' now supports skipping phases by defining a list of alternative successor phases in phase attribute 'next'.
  - Vehicle stop elements now support attribute 'speed'. This can be used to force a vehicle to drive with a fixed speed on a particular stretch of lane.
  - When defining a person ride, setting attribute `lines="ANY"` can now be used to take any vehicle that stops at the destination busStop or destination edge.
  - Persons can now start their plan in a driving vehicle by setting `depart="triggered"`.
  - added new vType parameter *lcLaneDiscipline* to control whether vehicles will stay between lanes to drive faster (sublane model only)
  - added new vTypeParameter *lcSigma* to control lateral imperfection (sublane model and simple continuous lanechange model)
  - Option --lanechange-duration can now be used together with opposite-direction-driving.
  - MESO now supports driver impatience at unprioritized intersections

  - Many improvements in rendering speed and robustness when editing demand
  - Now additionals and routes can optionally be loaded using option "Open in SUMO-GUI".
  - By default repeated warnings of the same type are aggregated (only their number is given beyond the initial 5). To see all warnings, the option --aggregate-warnings -1 can be used.
  - Several VISUM import improvements:
    - networks in English, French and Italian languange versions can be imported.
    - Improved handling of connector-edges. By default, no extra edges are generated anymore and instead the regular network edges are assignedto the TAZ.
   - TAZ can be written to a separate file using option --taz-output.

  - Added 'select reachable' function to the lane context-menu to select all lanes that can be reached by a given vehicle class from the origin lane. After such an operation, the coloring scheme 'by reachability' can be used to render an isochrone travel time map.
  - The currently loaded options can now be saved to a configuration via the file menu.
- TraCI
  - Added function 'traci.trafficlight.getServedPersonCount' to return the number of pedestrians that would be served by all the crossings for a given phase index.
  - Can now access vehicle device parameters 'device.ssm.minTTC', 'device.ssm.maxDRAC', 'device.ssm.minPET'.
  - Added function 'traci.simulation.writeMessage' to append a custom message to the log file (and sumo-gui message window).
  - Added context subscription filter for viewing angle (vehicle.addSubscriptionFilterFieldOfVision)
- Tools
  - Added new tool to count the different types of plans in a route file.
  - Added new tool to import intermodal traffic plans from MATSim
  - Added new tool to easily create a simulation where vehicles circulate according to configured turning ratios without ever arriving.

=== Bugfixes ===

- Fixed invalid energy usage (battery parameters ignored) in emission-ouput, full-output, tripinfo-output and edgeData-emissions.
- Fixed invalid cooperative speed adjustment in sublane model.
- Fixed crash related to parkingAreaReroute.
- fixed various NETEDIT crashes and geometry errors
- fixed various NETCONVERT bugs that were causing invalid geometry
- fixed various MESO crashes

=== Documentation ===

- We moved from MediaWiki to MkDocs. All our documentation is now stored
    within the SUMO repository on GitHub. This means you can propose
documentation changes with a pull-request.
- Added 'Hello World' tutorial] that shows how to create a simulation by only using NETEDIT and SUMO-GUI (no command line or text editor necessary).
- Added new example simulation in 'docs/examples/sumo/model_railroad'. The speed of the train as well as the railroad switches can be controlled while the simulation is running. Merry Christmas!

A big thanks to all contributors!

Have fun with the new release,
Pablo, Jakob, Robert, Melanie, Johannes, Matthias, Michael, Yun-Pang, Angelo and Laura

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