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Re: [sumo-user] Building Sumo with Visual Studio on Windows 10

Dear Michael,

thank you very much for your quick reply and help. The build now works like a charm :-)

Best regards,

> Am 15.10.2019 um 22:05 schrieb Michael Behrisch <oss@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Dear Marcus,
> this is a known bug with our GRPC setup, which should be fixed now.
> Best regards,
> Michael
>> Am 14.10.19 um 19:54 schrieb Marcus Müller:
>> Dear Sumo-Experts,
>> trying to build SUMO I run into the following Problem:
>> [216/837] cmd.exe /C "cd /D
>> C:\SomeDir\sumo\out\build\x64-Release\src\microsim\pedestrians &&
>> C:\SomeDir\SUMOLibraries\3rdPartyLibs\protobuf-3.9.1\bin\protoc.exe
>> --grpc_out=C:/aktiv/SomeDir/sumo/out/build/x64-Release/src/microsim/pedestrians
>> --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=C:/aktiv/SomeDir/SUMOLibraries/grpc-1.10.0/Release/grpc_cpp_plugin.exe
>> -I C:/aktiv/SomeDir/sumo/src/microsim/pedestrians
>> C:/aktiv/SomeDir/sumo/src/microsim/pedestrians/hybridsim.proto"
>>   FAILED: src/microsim/pedestrians/
>> <> src/microsim/pedestrians/hybridsim.grpc.pb.h
>>   cmd.exe /C "cd /D
>> C:\SomeDir\sumo\out\build\x64-Release\src\microsim\pedestrians &&
>> C:\SomeDir\SUMOLibraries\3rdPartyLibs\protobuf-3.9.1\bin\protoc.exe
>> --grpc_out=C:/aktiv/SomeDir/sumo/out/build/x64-Release/src/microsim/pedestrians
>> --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=C:/aktiv/SomeDir/SUMOLibraries/grpc-1.10.0/Release/grpc_cpp_plugin.exe
>> -I C:/aktiv/SomeDir/sumo/src/microsim/pedestrians
>> C:/aktiv/SomeDir/sumo/src/microsim/pedestrians/hybridsim.proto"
>>   --grpc_out: protoc-gen-grpc: %1 ist keine zulõssige Win32-Anwendung.
>> The Libraries were successfully build before and as the error occurs
>> only in step 216/837 some other binaries like "Present3D.exe" are
>> successfully build as well. 
>> I am trying to do the complete build with Visual Studio 2017 only.
>> Configuration is x64-Release. The error occurs Independent of whether
>> the Libraries are build in their x86 or x64 configuration. OS is Windows 10.
>> Are you maybe already Aware of this issue and know a fix?
>> Many thanks in advance,
>> Marcus
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