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Re: [sumo-user] SUMO default parameters

Thank you, Jakob.
The new SUMO version works perfectly with lcOvertakeRight=0.

by the way, please correct the mistake in SUMO "Definition of Vehicles, Vehicle Types, and Routes" wiki page which you state there that the vehicle class-specific defaults for "truck, trailer, coach, delivery, taxi" is 0.5 but actually 0.05 is true.

With Best Regards,

On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 11:53 AM Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The lcOvertakeRight error is a bug ( We're  planning a hotfix release tomorrow, so just upgrade to that.
There is currently no way to get the default values for all attributes. I've updated the documentation though:


Am Fr., 23. Aug. 2019 um 16:11 Uhr schrieb Mohsen Rahmati <mohsen.eng74@xxxxxxxxx>:
Thanks, Jakob.

by setting xml-validation to never, this new error will raise:
Error: Invalid Lane-Change-Model Attribute lcOvertakeRight. Must be greater than 0
Quitting (on error).

As you guessed right, I've used multi-vehicle classes in defining vehicle type distribution. by correcting the "speedDev" attribute for each class the results are now closer to the first run but it stills not the same. is there any way to get SUMO default values in the output?
the results are attached.

With Best Regards,

On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 5:23 PM Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is an error in the schema files (now corrected). Please try with lcOvertakeRight=0 and sumo option --xml-validation never.
Also, if you define a vtype with vclass truck,trailer,coach or delivery, they will get a default speedDev of 0.05.(

Am Fr., 23. Aug. 2019 um 14:34 Uhr schrieb Mohsen Rahmati <mohsen.eng74@xxxxxxxxx>:
I've created a scenario with 3 replications with a set of seed numbers. whenever I run the simulation model with SUMO default parameters for car-following and lane-changing models for twice and more, I get the same results, as expected.
but the problem is when I try to manually set those parameters to their defaults, the results considerably will change.

these are parameters that I've tried to set it manually to their defaults:
['speedFactor; 1.000', 'speedDev; 0.100', 'minGap; 2.500', 'accel; 2.600', 'decel; 4.500', 'sigma; 0.500', 'tau; 1.000', 'lcSpeedGain; 1.000', 'lcKeepRight; 1.000', 'lcOvertakeRight; 0.001', 'lcSpeedGainRight; 0.100', 'lcAssertive; 1.000']

SUMO version: 1.3.0

also in the source link, it states that the default "lcOvertakeRight" parameter is 0 but if I manually set it to 0 SUMO will raise the error below:
Error: value '0' must be greater than or equal to minExclusive facet value '0'
 In file '...\315701.vtype.xml'
 At line/column 5/133.

Quitting (on error).

With Best Regards,
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