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Re: [sumo-user] Using own created assignment

Thanks. A2 and A3 helped a lot. I'm wondering, if, when I just need the current travel times and not the starting edge travel times, whether I just can reset the travel times with setting them back to trace.edge.getTraveltime in the beginning of the function?

Unfortunately the vClass was correct and traci.vehicle.getTypeID(vehID) didnt solve the problem. The print out of the new routes looks correct ('edgeID', 'edgeID,...). But I was wondering, whether the .setRoute is working, when there is a junction (e.g. ':gneJ32_10') in the list of the new route? Because I'm using traci.vehicle.getRoadID(vehID)to get the current position of the vehicle.

Von: sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> im Auftrag von Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx>
Gesendet: Freitag, 12. Juli 2019 09:11:26
An: Sumo project User discussions
Betreff: Re: [sumo-user] Using own created assignment
A1) possibly your vehicle has a different vClass from the defaut vClass="passenger" assumed by simulation.findRoute. You can avoid this by calling findRoute(from, to, traci.vehicle.getTypeID(vehID)).
If that doesn't solve it, print the found route and then insert a vehicle on this route via XML inputs for a more comprehensive error message.

A2) the function simulation.findRoute uses the global edge travel times whereas you only penalized the vehicle-specific traveltimes (traci.vehicle.setAdaptedTraveltime). Use traci.edge.adaptTraveltime instead.
The values of vehicle.setAdaptedTraveltime are only used when calling traci.vehicle.rerouteTraveltime.

A3) Either by calling edge.adaptTravelTime(traci.edge.getTravelTime) for all edges or by using findRoute(..., routingMode=traci.constants.ROUTING_MODE_AGGREGATED) - see

A4) you cannot reset edge traveltimes at the moment ( see ) but you can limit the scope of the change by setting the begin,end arguments (or just setting it explicitly to length/speedLimit).


Am Do., 11. Juli 2019 um 16:58 Uhr schrieb Hoffmann, Pascal <pascal.hoffmann@xxxxxx>:

First of all .. Thank you very much for the help!

I tried to apply the penalties with a basic code consisting out of .setAdaptedTraveltime and search for new routes with .findRoute . But unfortunately when I want to .setRoute the new route of .findRoute, I get an error. Furthermore the actually supposed to be different routes (route_1,route_2 and route_3) are all the same. So my questions for the code below:

Q1: Why is the setRoute function not working for the .findRoute --> new_route ?

Q2: Why is findRoute not finding different routes due to the penalyzed weights of the edges with setAdaptedTraveltime?

Q3: Is the findRoute using the currentTravelTimes like reroute and if not, how is it possible?

Q4: How can I set the adapedTraveltime back to the current after finding a new route?

def run():
step = 0
while traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() >0:
det_vehs = traci.inductionloop.getLastStepVehicleIDs("det_0") #creates an induction loop
IDlist = traci.vehicle.getIDList() #creates a list of all current vehicle in the simulation
assign = 1
if step > 40:
for veh in det_vehs:
traci.vehicle.setSpeed(veh, 0.0) #sets the speed of the vehicle,
# which drives on the induction loop, to zero
for veh_1 in IDlist:
traci.vehicle.setRoutingMode(veh_1, 1) #sets the RoutingMode to aggregated
#traci.vehicle.rerouteTraveltime(veh_1) #reroutes the vehicles

current_start = traci.vehicle.getRoadID(veh_1)
trip = traci.vehicle.getRoute(veh_1)
end = trip[-1]

if assign == 1: #assignment on/off
route_inf_1 = traci.simulation.findRoute(current_start, end) #findRoute with all information
route_1 = route_inf_1[4] #just list of edges of findRoute

for edges1 in route_1: #penalyzing
traci.vehicle.setAdaptedTraveltime(veh_1, edges1, 90.0)
route__inf_2 = traci.simulation.findRoute(current_start, end) #new route find with penalyzed
route_2 = route__inf_2[4] #just list of edges of findRoute
for edges2 in route_2:
traci.vehicle.setAdaptedTraveltime(veh_1, edges2, 90.0 ) #penalyzing
route_inf_3 = traci.simulation.findRoute(current_start, end) #new route find with penalyzed
route_3 = route_inf_3[4] #just list of edges of findRoute

new_route = random.choice([route_1, route_2, route_3])
if len(new_route) > 1: #check vehicle is at final
traci.vehicle.setRoute(veh_1, new_route)

--> Error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "G:/TE-F1/Studenten/Hoffmann_Pascal/04_Simulation/ma_routing_via_traci/", line 78, in <module>
  File "G:/TE-F1/Studenten/Hoffmann_Pascal/04_Simulation/ma_routing_via_traci/", line 61, in run
    traci.vehicle.setRoute(veh_1, new_route)
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse\Sumo\tools\traci\", line 1124, in setRoute
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse\Sumo\tools\traci\", line 112, in _sendExact
    raise TraCIException(err, prefix[1], _RESULTS[prefix[2]])
traci.exceptions.TraCIException: Route replacement failed for carflow_1.1

Von: sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> im Auftrag von Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx>
Gesendet: Montag, 8. Juli 2019 16:46:16
An: Sumo project User discussions
Betreff: Re: [sumo-user] Using own created assignment
1) start sumo with option --routing-algorithm astar
2) You can apply the penalties yourself by increasing the weight/traveltime for all edges in the previously found routes.


Am Mo., 8. Juli 2019 um 16:28 Uhr schrieb Hoffmann, Pascal <pascal.hoffmann@xxxxxx>:

Dear sumo-users,

I am using SUMO via TraCI. My target is to assign vehicles in case of congestion randomly on a set of alternative path to reduce waiting times. So far I'm rerouting with the TraCI rerouters, but now I want to implement my own assignment. Therefore I want to ask some questions:

Q1: Is it possible to use the "build in" astar routing algorithm (AStarRouter.h?) via TraCI and if, how?

Q2: I know that SUMO uses the penalty method in the MARouter to find alternative routes. But so far, I couldn't find, where and how it was realized to adapt this method for the astar multi-path.

Q3: Is it possible to adapt the traci.vehicle.rerouteTraveltime especially with the aggregated travel times in a new external python script to use the "new" made routing algorithm concerned in Q1&Q2?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


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