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Re: [sumo-user] Using own created assignment

1) start sumo with option --routing-algorithm astar
2) You can apply the penalties yourself by increasing the weight/traveltime for all edges in the previously found routes.
3) Yes. See


Am Mo., 8. Juli 2019 um 16:28 Uhr schrieb Hoffmann, Pascal <pascal.hoffmann@xxxxxx>:

Dear sumo-users,

I am using SUMO via TraCI. My target is to assign vehicles in case of congestion randomly on a set of alternative path to reduce waiting times. So far I'm rerouting with the TraCI rerouters, but now I want to implement my own assignment. Therefore I want to ask some questions:

Q1: Is it possible to use the "build in" astar routing algorithm (AStarRouter.h?) via TraCI and if, how?

Q2: I know that SUMO uses the penalty method in the MARouter to find alternative routes. But so far, I couldn't find, where and how it was realized to adapt this method for the astar multi-path.

Q3: Is it possible to adapt the traci.vehicle.rerouteTraveltime especially with the aggregated travel times in a new external python script to use the "new" made routing algorithm concerned in Q1&Q2?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


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