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Hi guys, 

I'm having a trouble with some vehicle in a specific roundabout. I noticed that a sometime a long queue happened in that roundabout and it sound strange. Giving a look to the simulation I noticed that some vehicles stucked (in the image you can see a screenshot of the network in that precise moment 
After 300-400 seconds the vehicle move out from that point and I had the following message "Warning: Vehicle '12488' ends teleporting on edge '23058119#2', time 27285.00."

I know that this could be an issue for that reason in the *.sumocfg file I use the following command "<ignore-junction-blocker value ="5"/>" to avoid this kind of error. So how can i manage this problem? You can image that in 5 mnutes everything, in that part of the network go crazy even if it should not


Ing. Luca Di Costanzo

MsC in Hydraulic and Transportation Engineering 
Bsc in Civil Engineering 
skype: lucadicostanzo82
tel: +39 333 43 92 544

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