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Re: [sumo-user] Inquiry : Regarding sumo-traci-api : getLastStepVehicleNumber(edgeId) & range querying

1) Querying multiple edges must be done from your own code by iterating over the ids and calling getLastStepVehicleNumber(self, edgeID) and then summing up the results

2) sumolib supports retrieval of edges in a square centered on a given point with the size specified as 'radius' (half the size of the square). See You could easily adapt this function to support rectangles instead of squares.
You may also want to take a look at sumo/tools/district/ which groups edges according to a regular grid. Another related tool is sumo/tools/edgesInDistrict which collects edges within an arbitrary shape.


Am Do., 25. Apr. 2019 um 10:49 Uhr schrieb Sheshadri Kalkunte Ramachandra <sheshadrik@xxxxxxxxxx>:

I have the following 2 doubts regarding the traci-api.

1. This is regarding the getLastStepVehicleNumber()

class EdgeDomain(traci.domain.Domain): Methods defined here: __init__(self) adaptTraveltime(self, edgeID, time, begin=None, end=None) adaptTraveltime(string, double, double, double) -> None Adapt the travel time value (in s) used for (re-)routing for the given edge. When setting begin time and end time (in seconds), the changes only
Existing Api: getLastStepVehicleNumber(self, edgeID)

Input: edgeId
Output:  Number of vehicles in the given edgeID.

Requirement : getLastStepVehicleNumber(self,List<edgeID>)
Input: List<edgeID>
Output: List of number of vehicles in each edgeID


2. Is there any support for the following requirement? (range querying of edgeID)

Requirement:  If I pass two points P and Q, which internally 2 positions obtained by getPosition(self, vehID), can I get a list of all edges present in the rectangle in which P and Q are two diagonal points? Does sumo support any such api?

data and other attributes defined here: depart_container_triggered = -2 depart_lane_allowed_free = -4 depart_lane_best_free = -5 depart_lane_first_allowed = -6 depart_lane_free = -3 depart_lane_random = -2 depart_now = -3 depart_speed_max = -3 depart_speed_random = -2 depart_triggered = -1 last_travel_time_update = -1 stop_bus_stop = 8 stop_charging_station = 32 stop_container_stop = 16
Input: P, Q
Output: List of edgeID
I have attached a figure to explain the requirement. (sumo_traci.jpg)

Sheshadri K R


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