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[sumo-user] Net instance has no attribute '__getitem__' : ​Query in Answer to Hayder

Hi Michael & Hayder,
I am using the code of Hayder attached here with.

Error : 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 143, in <module>
  File "", line 132, in main
    route = shortestPath(graph, 'node1', 'node9')
  File "", line 122, in shortestPath
    D,P = Dijkstra(graph,start,end)
  File "", line 104, in Dijkstra
    for edge in graph[vertex]:
AttributeError: Net instance has no attribute '__getitem__'

Solution Given :
Dear Hayder,
you cannot access the vertices and edges of a sumo network using the [] operator. You have to use methods like getEdge / getOutgoing, see here:

I am not able to understand how to resolve this problem. Hayder if you have solved this problem please let me know What would be the best solution of this. I am expecting new hay_2 file,if you don't mind.

Bijal Varia
import os, sys
import optparse
import subprocess
import random
from Queue import PriorityQueue
import xml.sax
from xml.sax import saxutils, parse, make_parser, handler
from copy import copy
from itertools import *

SUMO_HOME = "/home/hayder/sumo-0.21.0"
    sys.path.append(os.path.join(SUMO_HOME, "tools")) 
    # import the library
    import sumolib
    from import Net
    from import NetReader
    from import Lane
    from import Edge
    from import Node
    from import Connection
    from import Roundabout

except ImportError:
    sys.exit("please declare environment variable 'SUMO_HOME' as the root directory of your sumo installation (it should contain folders 'bin', 'tools' and 'docs')")
class priorityDictionary(dict):
    def __init__(self):
        '''Initialize priorityDictionary by creating binary heap
            of pairs (value,key).  Note that changing or removing a dict entry will
            not remove the old pair from the heap until it is found by smallest() or
            until the heap is rebuilt.'''
        self.__heap = []

    def smallest(self):
        '''Find smallest item after removing deleted items from heap.'''
        if len(self) == 0:
            raise IndexError, "smallest of empty priorityDictionary"
        heap = self.__heap
        while heap[0][1] not in self or self[heap[0][1]] != heap[0][0]:
            lastItem = heap.pop()
            insertionPoint = 0
            while 1:
                smallChild = 2*insertionPoint+1
                if smallChild+1 < len(heap) and \
                        heap[smallChild][0] > heap[smallChild+1][0]:
                    smallChild += 1
                if smallChild >= len(heap) or lastItem <= heap[smallChild]:
                    heap[insertionPoint] = lastItem
                heap[insertionPoint] = heap[smallChild]
                insertionPoint = smallChild
        return heap[0][1]

    def __iter__(self):
        '''Create destructive sorted iterator of priorityDictionary.'''
        def iterfn():
            while len(self) > 0:
                x = self.smallest()
                yield x
                del self[x]
        return iterfn()

    def __setitem__(self,key,val):
        '''Change value stored in dictionary and add corresponding
            pair to heap.  Rebuilds the heap if the number of deleted items grows
            too large, to avoid memory leakage.'''
        heap = self.__heap
        if len(heap) > 2 * len(self):
            self.__heap = [(v,k) for k,v in self.iteritems()]
            self.__heap.sort()  # builtin sort likely faster than O(n) heapify
            newPair = (val,key)
            insertionPoint = len(heap)
            while insertionPoint > 0 and val < heap[(insertionPoint-1)//2][0]:
                heap[insertionPoint] = heap[(insertionPoint-1)//2]
                insertionPoint = (insertionPoint-1)//2
            heap[insertionPoint] = newPair

    def setdefault(self,key,val):
        '''Reimplement setdefault to call our customized __setitem__.'''
        if key not in self:
            self[key] = val
        return self[key]

    def update(self, other):
        for key in other.keys():
            self[key] = other[key]

def Dijkstra(graph,start,end=None):
        D = {}	# dictionary of final distances
	P = {}	# dictionary of predecessors
	Q = priorityDictionary()	# estimated distances of non-final vertices
	Q[start] = 0
	for vertex in Q:
		D[vertex] = Q[vertex]
		if vertex == end: break
		for edge in graph[vertex]:
			vwLength = D[vertex] + graph[vertex][edge]
			if edge in D:
				if vwLength < D[edge]:
					raise ValueError, "Dijkstra: found better path to already-final vertex"
			elif w not in Q or vwLength < Q[edge]:
				Q[edge] = vwLength
				P[edge] = vertex
	return (D,P)

def shortestPath(graph,start,end):
	Find a single shortest path from the given start vertex to the given end vertex.
	The input has the same conventions as Dijkstra().
	The output is a list of the vertices in order along the shortest path.

	D,P = Dijkstra(graph,start,end)
	Path = []
	while 1:
		if end == start: break
		end = P[end]
	return Path

def main():
    route = shortestPath(graph, 'node1', 'node9')
    #create the new route for vehicle
    #assign the new route for vehicle with id vehicle1

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # parse the net
    graph = Net()
    graph ='')
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- generated on Mon Nov  9 15:44:31 2015 by SUMO netconvert Version 0.21.0
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<configuration xmlns:xsi=""; xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="";>

        <node-files value="dijkstra.nod.xml"/>
        <edge-files value="dijkstra.edg.xml"/>

        <output-file value=""/>


<net version="0.13" xmlns:xsi=""; xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="";>

    <location netOffset="0.00,862.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,856.00,1085.00" origBoundary="0.00,-862.00,856.00,223.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":2_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":2_0_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="5.36" shape="138.08,997.75 139.31,998.67 140.44,998.88 141.47,998.38 142.41,997.16"/>
    <edge id=":2_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":2_1_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="6.98" shape="138.08,997.75 143.60,1002.02"/>
    <edge id=":3_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":3_0_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="6.83" shape="425.58,1082.03 427.01,1082.09 428.17,1081.39 429.07,1079.92 429.69,1077.69"/>
    <edge id=":3_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":3_1_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="8.39" shape="425.58,1082.03 427.53,1082.29 429.45,1081.97 431.33,1081.05 433.18,1079.54"/>
    <edge id=":4_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":4_0_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="9.30" shape="843.67,673.87 845.81,671.43 846.19,670.08 844.81,669.82 841.67,670.65"/>
    <edge id=":4_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":4_1_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="14.58" shape="843.67,673.87 848.08,669.42 851.15,666.12 852.87,663.98 853.24,662.99"/>
    <edge id=":5_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":5_0_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="3.73" shape="486.86,792.11 485.42,792.03 483.37,791.02"/>
    <edge id=":5_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":5_1_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="4.05" shape="486.86,792.11 485.41,791.97 483.87,790.59 483.60,790.15"/>
    <edge id=":5_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":5_2_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="9.29" shape="486.86,792.11 485.12,792.22 484.23,791.09 484.19,788.70 484.98,785.07"/>
    <edge id=":5_6" function="internal">
        <lane id=":5_6_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="7.66" shape="483.37,791.02 480.70,789.09 477.41,786.23"/>
    <edge id=":5_7" function="internal">
        <lane id=":5_7_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="6.79" shape="483.60,790.15 482.25,787.96 480.55,784.09"/>
    <edge id=":5_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":5_3_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="11.29" shape="482.41,795.87 482.40,793.66 481.56,791.32 479.90,788.84 477.41,786.23"/>
    <edge id=":5_4" function="internal">
        <lane id=":5_4_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="12.13" shape="482.41,795.87 482.76,792.61 482.50,789.89 481.73,787.21 480.55,784.09"/>
    <edge id=":5_5" function="internal">
        <lane id=":5_5_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="11.10" shape="482.41,795.87 483.01,792.78 483.52,790.43 484.13,788.10 484.98,785.07"/>
    <edge id=":6_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":6_0_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="11.65" shape="338.51,657.72 337.54,657.72 335.44,658.44 332.18,659.88 327.79,662.05"/>
    <edge id=":6_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":6_1_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="4.66" shape="338.51,657.72 336.25,653.64"/>
    <edge id=":6_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":6_2_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="7.83" shape="330.50,664.89 331.59,662.49 331.50,661.22 330.24,661.07 327.79,662.05"/>
    <edge id=":6_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":6_3_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="12.91" shape="330.50,664.89 332.49,662.00 334.44,659.51 335.85,656.89 336.25,653.64"/>
    <edge id=":7_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":7_0_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="5.83" shape="72.94,791.86 71.13,792.46 70.03,792.04 69.63,790.61 69.80,789.36"/>
    <edge id=":7_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":7_1_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="8.17" shape="72.94,791.86 70.52,792.81 69.30,792.56 69.31,791.13 70.52,788.50"/>
    <edge id=":7_4" function="internal">
        <lane id=":7_4_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="1.20" shape="69.80,789.36 69.95,788.17"/>
    <edge id=":7_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":7_2_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="5.04" shape="67.24,792.43 69.95,788.17"/>
    <edge id=":7_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":7_3_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="5.12" shape="67.24,792.43 70.52,788.50"/>
    <edge id=":8_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":8_0_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="10.88" shape="314.82,362.41 314.59,359.31 314.37,356.98 314.05,354.67 313.51,351.61"/>
    <edge id=":8_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":8_1_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="9.25" shape="314.82,362.41 314.75,358.93 315.15,356.41 316.00,354.84 317.31,354.24"/>
    <edge id=":8_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":8_2_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="10.66" shape="316.49,361.81 315.39,358.94 314.66,356.81 314.10,354.62 313.51,351.61"/>
    <edge id=":8_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":8_3_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="7.12" shape="316.49,361.81 315.48,358.61 315.28,356.28 315.83,354.97"/>
    <edge id=":8_6" function="internal">
        <lane id=":8_6_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="1.69" shape="315.83,354.97 315.89,354.82 317.31,354.24"/>
    <edge id=":8_4" function="internal">
        <lane id=":8_4_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="10.62" shape="310.98,361.55 312.54,358.85 313.51,356.79 313.84,354.62 313.51,351.61"/>
    <edge id=":8_5" function="internal">
        <lane id=":8_5_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="9.88" shape="310.98,361.55 312.88,358.42 314.57,356.16 316.04,354.76 317.31,354.24"/>
    <edge id=":9_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":9_0_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="12.63" shape="617.99,335.22 615.91,332.56 613.90,330.44 611.73,328.44 609.20,326.19"/>
    <edge id=":9_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":9_1_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="6.51" shape="607.88,330.10 609.91,329.70 610.80,328.91 610.57,327.74 609.20,326.19"/>
    <edge id=":9_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":9_2_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="11.34" shape="613.87,335.93 614.05,333.67 613.33,331.30 611.72,328.80 609.20,326.19"/>

    <edge id="1" from="1" to="2" priority="75">
        <lane id="1_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="192.18" shape="2.19,861.86 138.08,997.75"/>
    <edge id="10" from="5" to="8" priority="75">
        <lane id="10_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="453.03" shape="480.55,784.09 316.49,361.81"/>
    <edge id="11" from="5" to="9" priority="75">
        <lane id="11_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="467.27" shape="484.98,785.07 613.87,335.93"/>
    <edge id="12" from="6" to="7" priority="75">
        <lane id="12_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="286.01" shape="327.79,662.05 72.94,791.86"/>
    <edge id="13" from="6" to="8" priority="75">
        <lane id="13_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="292.03" shape="336.25,653.64 314.82,362.41"/>
    <edge id="14" from="7" to="8" priority="75">
        <lane id="14_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="490.01" shape="70.52,788.50 310.98,361.55"/>
    <edge id="15" from="7" to="10" priority="75">
        <lane id="15_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="798.86" shape="69.95,788.17 246.27,9.01"/>
    <edge id="16" from="8" to="9" priority="75">
        <lane id="16_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="291.57" shape="317.31,354.24 607.88,330.10"/>
    <edge id="17" from="8" to="10" priority="75">
        <lane id="17_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="348.36" shape="313.51,351.61 250.01,9.09"/>
    <edge id="18" from="9" to="10" priority="75">
        <lane id="18_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="479.54" shape="609.20,326.19 253.10,5.02"/>
    <edge id="2" from="1" to="7" priority="75">
        <lane id="2_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="91.99" shape="2.19,857.47 67.24,792.43"/>
    <edge id="3" from="2" to="3" priority="75">
        <lane id="3_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="293.11" shape="143.60,1002.02 425.58,1082.03"/>
    <edge id="4" from="2" to="6" priority="75">
        <lane id="4_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="381.82" shape="142.41,997.16 330.50,664.89"/>
    <edge id="5" from="3" to="5" priority="75">
        <lane id="5_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="286.71" shape="429.69,1077.69 482.41,795.87"/>
    <edge id="6" from="3" to="4" priority="75">
        <lane id="6_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="577.12" shape="433.18,1079.54 843.67,673.87"/>
    <edge id="7" from="4" to="5" priority="75">
        <lane id="7_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="375.02" shape="841.67,670.65 486.86,792.11"/>
    <edge id="8" from="4" to="9" priority="75">
        <lane id="8_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="403.46" shape="853.24,662.99 617.99,335.22"/>
    <edge id="9" from="5" to="6" priority="75">
        <lane id="9_0" index="0" speed="12.12" length="189.24" shape="477.41,786.23 338.51,657.72"/>

    <junction id="1" type="unregulated" x="0.00" y="862.00" incLanes="" intLanes="" shape="1.06,862.99 3.32,860.73 3.32,858.61 1.06,856.34"/>
    <junction id="10" type="unregulated" x="250.00" y="0.00" incLanes="17_0 18_0 15_0" intLanes="" shape="248.43,9.38 251.58,8.80 252.03,6.20 254.17,3.83 244.71,8.66 247.83,9.37"/>
    <junction id="2" type="priority" x="141.00" y="1003.00" incLanes="1_0" intLanes=":2_0_0 :2_1_0" shape="143.17,1003.56 144.04,1000.48 143.80,997.95 141.02,996.38 139.22,996.62 136.95,998.88">
        <request index="0" response="00" foes="00" cont="0"/>
        <request index="1" response="00" foes="00" cont="0"/>
    <junction id="3" type="priority" x="430.00" y="1085.00" incLanes="3_0" intLanes=":3_0_0 :3_1_0" shape="434.30,1080.68 432.05,1078.40 431.26,1077.98 428.12,1077.39 426.02,1080.49 425.14,1083.57">
        <request index="0" response="00" foes="00" cont="0"/>
        <request index="1" response="00" foes="00" cont="0"/>
    <junction id="4" type="priority" x="856.00" y="664.00" incLanes="6_0" intLanes=":4_0_0 :4_1_0" shape="854.54,662.06 851.94,663.92 841.15,669.14 842.19,672.16 842.54,672.73 844.79,675.01">
        <request index="0" response="00" foes="00" cont="0"/>
        <request index="1" response="00" foes="00" cont="0"/>
    <junction id="5" type="priority" x="485.00" y="791.00" incLanes="7_0 5_0" intLanes=":5_6_0 :5_7_0 :5_2_0 :5_3_0 :5_4_0 :5_5_0" shape="487.38,793.62 486.34,790.59 486.52,785.51 483.45,784.63 482.04,783.51 479.06,784.67 478.50,785.05 476.32,787.40 480.84,795.57 483.98,796.16">
        <request index="0" response="111000" foes="111000" cont="1"/>
        <request index="1" response="110000" foes="110000" cont="1"/>
        <request index="2" response="100000" foes="100000" cont="0"/>
        <request index="3" response="000000" foes="000001" cont="0"/>
        <request index="4" response="000000" foes="000011" cont="0"/>
        <request index="5" response="000000" foes="000111" cont="0"/>
    <junction id="6" type="priority" x="338.00" y="655.00" incLanes="9_0 4_0" intLanes=":6_0_0 :6_1_0 :6_2_0 :6_3_0" shape="337.42,658.89 339.59,656.54 337.84,653.53 334.65,653.76 327.06,660.63 328.51,663.48 329.11,664.10 331.90,665.68">
        <request index="0" response="1100" foes="1100" cont="0"/>
        <request index="1" response="1000" foes="1000" cont="0"/>
        <request index="2" response="0000" foes="0001" cont="0"/>
        <request index="3" response="0000" foes="0011" cont="0"/>
    <junction id="7" type="priority" x="71.00" y="791.00" incLanes="12_0 2_0" intLanes=":7_4_0 :7_1_0 :7_2_0 :7_3_0" shape="73.66,793.29 72.21,790.44 71.91,789.28 69.12,787.71 66.11,791.29 68.37,793.56">
        <request index="0" response="1100" foes="1100" cont="1"/>
        <request index="1" response="1000" foes="1000" cont="0"/>
        <request index="2" response="0000" foes="0001" cont="0"/>
        <request index="3" response="0000" foes="0011" cont="0"/>
    <junction id="8" type="priority" x="316.00" y="356.00" incLanes="13_0 10_0 14_0" intLanes=":8_0_0 :8_1_0 :8_2_0 :8_6_0 :8_4_0 :8_5_0" shape="313.22,362.52 316.41,362.29 317.44,355.83 317.18,352.64 315.08,351.32 311.93,351.90 309.59,360.76 312.38,362.33">
        <request index="0" response="110100" foes="110100" cont="0"/>
        <request index="1" response="101100" foes="101100" cont="0"/>
        <request index="2" response="110000" foes="110011" cont="0"/>
        <request index="3" response="100000" foes="100010" cont="1"/>
        <request index="4" response="000000" foes="000101" cont="0"/>
        <request index="5" response="000000" foes="001111" cont="0"/>
    <junction id="9" type="priority" x="617.00" y="331.00" incLanes="8_0 16_0 11_0" intLanes=":9_0_0 :9_1_0 :9_2_0" shape="616.69,336.15 619.29,334.28 610.27,325.00 608.13,327.38 607.75,328.51 608.02,331.70 612.33,335.49 615.41,336.37">
        <request index="0" response="010" foes="110" cont="0"/>
        <request index="1" response="000" foes="101" cont="0"/>
        <request index="2" response="011" foes="011" cont="0"/>

    <junction id=":5_6_0" type="internal" x="483.37" y="791.02" incLanes=":5_0_0 5_0" intLanes=":5_3_0 :5_4_0 :5_5_0"/>
    <junction id=":5_7_0" type="internal" x="483.60" y="790.15" incLanes=":5_1_0 5_0" intLanes=":5_4_0 :5_5_0"/>
    <junction id=":7_4_0" type="internal" x="69.80" y="789.36" incLanes=":7_0_0 2_0" intLanes=":7_2_0 :7_3_0"/>
    <junction id=":8_6_0" type="internal" x="315.83" y="354.97" incLanes=":8_3_0 14_0" intLanes=":8_1_0 :8_5_0"/>

    <connection from="1" to="4" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":2_0_0" dir="r" state="M"/>
    <connection from="1" to="3" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":2_1_0" dir="s" state="M"/>
    <connection from="10" to="17" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":8_2_0" dir="s" state="m"/>
    <connection from="10" to="16" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":8_3_0" dir="l" state="m"/>
    <connection from="11" to="18" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":9_2_0" dir="r" state="m"/>
    <connection from="12" to="15" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":7_0_0" dir="L" state="m"/>
    <connection from="12" to="14" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":7_1_0" dir="l" state="m"/>
    <connection from="13" to="17" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":8_0_0" dir="s" state="m"/>
    <connection from="13" to="16" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":8_1_0" dir="l" state="m"/>
    <connection from="14" to="17" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":8_4_0" dir="s" state="M"/>
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