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Re: [sumo-user] moveToXY and FatalTraCIError: connection closed by SUMO

This looks as if sumo crashed. Please zip up your scenario files and traci script and send them to me so I can  reproduce the problem. Please remove all vehicles and all traci code that is not needed to show the problem.


Am Do., 10. Jan. 2019 um 00:04 Uhr schrieb Zheya <fzheya@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi all,

I encountered "connection closed by SUMO" error when using moveToXY.

My scenario is that ego vehicle is moving on the lateral lane of opposite
direction(edgeID = "2to1") due to lane change resulted from front obstacle.
Now I want it to move back to the perivous lane(edgeID = "1to2") when its
position is 10m ahead of a stopped bus. The code is like this,

 if lanechanged == True and ego_pos>traci.vehicle.getPosition("bus1")[0]+10:
            traci.vehicle.moveToXY(vehID = "0", edgeID = "1to2", x =
ego_pos+3, y = 3, lane = 0, keepRoute = 1)

I got error instantly after running the above piece of code and no error
when I skipped the above code. So I guess something wrong with the moveToXY

Here is the error.

FatalTraCIError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-26-d250dbde2daa> in <module>()
     16     print("----start----")
     17     while traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0 and
---> 18         traci.simulationStep()
     19         ego_speed = traci.vehicle.getSpeed("0")
     20         ego_pos = traci.vehicle.getPosition("0")[0]

E:\_software\SUMO\tools\traci\ in simulationStep(step)
    125     """
    126     global _stepListeners
--> 127     responses = _connections[""].simulationStep(step)
    129     # manage stepListeners

E:\_software\SUMO\tools\traci\ in simulationStep(self, step)
    321         self._queue.append(tc.CMD_SIMSTEP)
    322         self._string += struct.pack("!BBd", 1 + 1 + 8,
tc.CMD_SIMSTEP, step)
--> 323         result = self._sendExact()
    324         for subscriptionResults in
    325             subscriptionResults.reset()

E:\_software\SUMO\tools\traci\ in _sendExact(self)
     97             self._socket.close()
     98             del self._socket
---> 99             raise FatalTraCIError("connection closed by SUMO")
    100         for command in self._queue:
    101             prefix ="!BBB")

FatalTraCIError: connection closed by SUMO

Is this because this kind of movement is invalid in sumo? if so, how can I
move the car back to the perivous lane?

Thanks in advance!

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