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Re: [sumo-user] Question on Vehicle.isStopped (traci command)

there was a bug in TraaS which is no fixed (
thank you for reporting this issue.

Am Mi., 5. Dez. 2018 um 12:44 Uhr schrieb sung hyun Jang <xddugi@xxxxxxxxx>:
Dear Sumo users

I have an issue with traci command (Vehicle.isStopped)
Now, I am running a sumo simulation with JAVA for the evaluation of traffic signal control.
In order to calculate the number of stops for each vehicles running in the network, I used "Vehicle.isStopped" as the following.

boolean vehStop = (boolean) conn.do_job_get(Vehicle.isStopped(vehID));

I got an Error message as below.

it.polito.appeal.traci.TraCIException$UnexpectedData: Unexpected : expected 7, got 9
 at de.tudresden.sumo.util.Query.verify(Unknown Source)
 at de.tudresden.sumo.util.CommandProcessor.do_job_get(Unknown Source)
 at it.polito.appeal.traci.SumoTraciConnection.do_job_get(Unknown Source)
 at com.sitraffic.shared.sab2.SumoEvaluation.secvehCalculate(
 at com.sitraffic.shared.sab2.SumoRunner.main(

Also, I used (int) Vehicle.getStopStage(vehID). It gave me the same Error.
I wonder if I did something wrong or Traas has an issue. Please help me!!!

I am looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,
Sunghyun Jang

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