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Re: [sumo-user] A few questions about SUMO output

Hi Jakob, 

After sending the email, I just realized that I can get the speed from routelength and duration. So, Please ignore the second question and sorry for any inconvenience.

Many thanks

On Sunday, September 9, 2018, 7:32:37 PM GMT+12, mohsen hs <mohsenhs82@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear SUMO developers, 

I am aware that SUMO has great reporting function and I would appreciate that if you could help me with the following three questions.

1. I know that summary-output produces the output for every single step in the simulation, is there any way to force SUMO to produce the aggregated data  every n seconds, I am also using duration-log.statistics (equal to true), but not sure how to set the aggregation time to n seconds.  

2. Is there any way to get average speed for a trip?tripinfo-output does not contain any information regarding this.

3. Is there any way to get the average occupancy and sum flow for every and all the edges every n seconds without using loop detectors as installing these takes some times?

If there is a need, I can join the data from several output file if they share a common attribute (similar to primary key in database). I guess if I join the output of the first and second question by time, I can get more insight toward my simulation.

Many thanks

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