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Re: [sumo-user] To show sumo gui in a jsp page instead of opening it in a new window

Hi Stiti,

although unfamiliar with JSP, I highly doubt you can simply (or at all) display the SUMO gui within a JSP page.

SUMO-GUI is a fully fledged UI that depends on external libraries as well as the operating system to properly function. This cannot be simply ported to function from within a browser. From the Java EE 5 tutorial: "A JSP page is a text document that contains two types of text: static data ... and JSP elements".

However, you can display your simulation in the browser using this software: If you do not use other TraCI clients, this is actually very straightforward (I tried it a while ago, got it working in 15 min).

Greets, Menno

On 5-9-2018 10:03, Stiti Mohapatra wrote:
Hi everyone ,

I have one query related to sumo gui.As of now I am running a city simulation and able to show the simulation in the sumo gui which is getting opened automatically in a separate window.

I would like to show the same gui in my jsp page .May I know how can I able to achieve that ?

I am using java program (with Traas.jar) in order to access sumo package.

Thank you in advance.

Looking forward to hear back.

Kindest regards,

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